Page 9 - SA Chamber UK-November News Letter
P. 9

Nick was sometimes challenged to explain how a retired High Court judge could be an
            advocate for communists. “Although he was a convinced Marxist, Denis, like his hero
            and comrade Bram Fischer, became a communist because he loved people, wanted

            to improve the lives of the poor, and could not bear the cruelty and stupidity of racial
            discrimination,” wrote Stadlen, who was working on a book on Fischer at the time if his

            In 2018 Stadlen organised a seminal debate in London between South African
            Constitutional Court Judge Albie Sachs and David Neuberger, President of the UK
            Supreme  Court  from  2012-2017.  “It  was  exquisite  in  the  true  sense  of  the  word,”
            recalled Sachs.

            “With a foot in both countries, Nick was the perfect chair and provided an eloquent and
            free-flowing discussion. There was a respectful energy and deep curiosity in the room.”

            Nicholas Felix Stadlen was born in Hampstead London in 1950. He was educated at St
            Paul’s School in London and read classics at Trinity College, Cambridge graduating with

            a BA Honours in classics and later a Master’s.

            He  enjoyed  being  a
            mentor      but    advised

            young people  serious
            about justice not to read
            law at university.

            In 1972, he married
            his  girlfriend  Frances
            Howarth,  daughter  of

            the headmaster of St
            Paul’s school where they
            met and began dating.

            Nick practised as a
            barrister from Fountain
            Court Chambers in the Temple from 1977- 2007 and was appointed Queen’s Counsel

            in 1991 and to the High Court Bench in 2007.

            He was passionate about the underdog and about helping people which he did directly
            at times and through being a trustee of a number of charities covering a wide range of


                                                      SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2023
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