Page 3 - SA Chamber UK - October Newsletter
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            Cape Chapter Launch

            We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Cape Chapter on the evening of the 26th
            October, at the British High Commissioner’s Residence in Cape Town. The event promises
            to be an evening of networking, collaboration and celebration. The Cape Chapter of the

            SACC, chaired by Natalie Naudé, will help unlock diverse business prospects in both South
            Africa and the UK, offering entrepreneurs and professionals a unique chance to explore
            new horizons.

            New Members

            We are delighted  to welcome new members during the month of October, including Kunene
            Makopo Risk Solutions, Sable International and Jessica Shelver of Digtalis.

            A member survey is in the pipeline, to better understand our member needs and I look
            forward to meeting our members over the coming months and ensuring they are receiving
            the support they need.

            South African Chamber of Commerce Awards

            There is still time to nominate a friend, colleague, yourself, for one of our seven awards
            categories. The Awards are a celebration of the best efforts and achievements of the
            South  African  community  in  the  UK  and  South  Africans  at  home.  Nominate  today  at


            The  past  month’s  member  and  third  party  events  have  showcased  the  depth  and  range
            of  content  and  networking  the  Chamber  reflects,  from  partnering  with  the  University  of

            Johannesburg  (UJ)  UK  Alumni  Chapter  Launch,  to  collaborating  with  the  Western  Cape
            Government on their UK investment drive, to our Ubuntu global networking event, later this
            month. You can view all events online via our homepage (

            We  look  forward  to  engaging  with  you  even  further  over  the  coming  months,  whether
            through member events, online interaction or through our special interest Groups and
            regional Chapters.

            Best wishes,

             Alison Kingsley-Hall

              Connect with me on LinkedIn

                                                       SA CHAMBER UK NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2023
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