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                This is a commonly-used opening when you’re introducing someone or being introduced to something
           here in Taiwan. The word "SEE" is employed to ensure that people have established the perception of an

           object or phenomenon.  We merely notice the things that people repeatedly bring up, but what about those
           they don’t? Those places that you have never seen? Have you ever thought of that? I promise you that
           there is always a more beautiful world than what we’ve noticed. An interminable saying goes, “life is not a
           lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery. ” An eye in the capability of discovery plays an indispensable role

           in things that people find valuable; whether you are a treasure hunter or just a curious person, you had
           better not miss the UNSEENs.

                So, what are the UNSEENS? Please do not pick up your dictionary because you probably cannot find it
           in the dictionary. One of our team members has given a working definition--Spaces that are noteworthy but
           often overlooked by people. As later illustrated in our magazine, the first are the spaces  you often pass by
           but have never explored, the second are some places you’re not familiar with because of the veil  in front
           of your eyes, and the last are those you have taken for granted and buried deep in your consciousness .

                So far, I hope you have a basic mindset of UNSEENS because they're REALLY abstract. If you stiil can't,
           look at the picture on these two pages, Taipei 101 is really marvalous and gorgeous, right? It's the focus

           point of this picture; but actually, why this photography is so distinctive is credit to the distribution of both
           scenes, Taipei 101 and the sunset, they're both worthy-noticing if you look at each of them respectively.
           Sadly, the fact is that people might just pay attention to what are apparently stunning, but ignore those
           which are secretly shining.

                Now, try to think about what might be the unseen in our magazine and keep the answer in your mind.
           We believe that the process of learning these spaces is to collect map clues; when the map is completed,

           it will guide you on a path to a haven that brings you an unexpected harvest.

                Last but not least, the purpose of this magazine is to convey exceptional knowledge and

           understanding of the spaces in the cities, which will undoubtedly help you establish an in-depth perception
           of Taiwan whether you are from Taiwan or somewhere else. We hope that this magazine could raise your
           awareness of these overlooked spaces so that these unseens would eventually become popular  in Taiwan.
           People will also keep looking for other unseen in the future.

                                                                      Without further ado, are you ready to
                                                                 embark on this journey of discovery? Let’s
                                                                 take a deep breath and figure out those

                                                                 “unseen” places  !
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