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BORDERLESS Location: Wugu Sialyudi
A playground of your
Apart from that, some engaging Originally, this park was a derelict
activities such as hide-and- land suffered from illegal dumping;
seek are also an indispensable a great amount of trash covered
childhood memories
piece of our childhood. Perhaps almost all of the available land and
currently you wouldn’t play hide- sacrificed the precious gift from
and-seek anymore; however, our big nature. Fortunately, after
childhood has never disappeared comprehensive urban planning,
in your heart, it’s just covered by it became an encompassing
specks of dust. A huge playground playground for people of all ages:
remains a paradise for our childlike elders can go on outings here,
innocence. Wugu Sialyudi is themed children and their parents can play
with the best childhood game, hide- hide-and-seek, and even youngsters
and-seek. It covers greening land can hang out with their friends by
for roughly 6600 square meters, exploring this borderless land.
providing a huge playground for
people of all ages.