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Last but not least, those parks include every piece of your
urban life. Whether it’s bustling or relaxing, they all reflect
the romance of the city you’re living in.
Take a stroll in the nearest park, while the other belongs to nature.
listen to the natural symphony, When the sun gradually sets in
and appreciate the scenery the West, hiding secretly behind a
and the surrounding of your mansion, all creatures slow down
city. The park you choose might the pace even though people who
not be amazing at all, perhaps just get off their works make the
it’s just a small and normally traffic on the other side become
plain. Sitting there and watching much busier. But eventually,
people passing by, you’ll see the the rumbling sound would fade
miniature of your city and find away from the atmosphere; listen
serendipity. Also, you might watch carefully, you’ll hear a slight
two different worlds going on: chirping of cicadas as well as the
one belongs to the tarred road, breath of your city.
So, do you know what’s
the definition of urban oases?
A lively featured park? Or a peaceful environmental park?
It depends on you. There is no absolute definition of urban
oases; what matters is that you can never
overlook their being.
In the bustling urban life, different kinds of
challenges come to you and depress you
again and again as if putting you in the bone-
dry desert. But just stop and recall your
childhood memories in parks: as you failed
on the playground, you would still get back up
and keep running with a joyful smiley face.
The parks still carry the magic power to all of
us. On your way home, to work, or to school,
take a stroll in those parks and let their magic
power heal your mind, body, and soul again;
you would gain a refreshed heart to
go on your life fearlessly.