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Different tastes from Southeast Asia with the
unfamiliar sourness that you need to know
Articles writer
Quinn Chin
Imagine this, at a flaming
hot street in Taiwan; you’re Good dishes at
looking for something to
eat. What you’re seeing are quite a low price.
high-profile restaurants,
local dishes and trending
shops. But can you still mixed reviews. Some
remember the stands that people would call it a dirty
you have missed when you place to eat, some people
are choosing other places to are highly impressed by am a very loyal customer
eat? If the answer is “No”, them, but most people I to the Southeast Asia
I’m going to change your have never been there. stands, and I’m very much of a
point of view toward the That is: the southeast frequent customer. However, as
“ignorable stands” on the Asia style food stands. a foreigner in Taiwan, I believe
streets. you’re just as new as Taiwanese
As Taiwanese, we often I’m not talking about the facing this kind of stand.
see ourselves as experts in fancy restaurants that Therefore, in the following
recognizing and choosing feature Southeast Asia content, you’ll learn where you
foods. Since we have plenty flavor, but those stands can find them, what they are
of choices and various types selling surprising good selling, and most importantly,
for delicacies, we usually dishes at quite a low price. why Taiwanese people ignore
have our varied critics toward them and even are so afraid of
different foods that we have them.
in our tummy. Yet, some
restaurants and stands on
the streets received relatively