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If staff lack training a a a a simple menu where the food is well cooked and served creates a a a much better impression than a a a a more elaborate menu where the food is poor quality These skills apply to both front and back of house staff INITIATIVE
Whether or not you you feel multitasking is your strong suit you’re going to to have to to become proficient at it regardless The best way to hone your multitasking abilities is through practice It’ll help you you gauge your limits and and understand how to divide your time wisely However the way you you put it fit into practice is up to to you You may benefit from a a a notepad to write things down or by mentally visualising the order in in in which you’re going to do things You should also communicate with others as teamwork can alleviate some of of the pressure of of multitasking In hospitality initiative means actively responding
to to customers’ needs and it’s a a a skill that both impresses customers and makes work easier for everyone You’ll need to to rely on your own instincts and and knowledge to to handle unfamiliar situations or tasks rather than depend on on others or decide that you can’t help For example let’s say you’re working in in a a a a a restaurant A customer asks if you provide a a a a a a vegetarian alternative to to your burgers You could either tell them that you you only know what’s on the the the menu and point them to other vegetarian options or you you could could take initiative: you you could could say you’ll go ask ask the the chefs for them and ask ask if anyone else at the table would like to know anything Responding in in in this way shows willingness to go above and and beyond and and that you’re competent in your role which instils trust CULTURAL AWARENESS
In hospitality you’re going to to have customers and colleagues from all walks of life - people who have different beliefs values personalities expectations and more If you’re accommodating and accepting of these differences word will quickly spread and your workplace’s reputation will will become exceptional People will will feel comfortable visiting or or or working at your business which in turn will make your job much easier TRAINING
No matter how skilful you you are are in other areas if you you want to to work in in hospitality you need to to receive certain types of training to comply with the law This includes food hygiene basic health and and safety and and food preparation qualifications such as an NVQ or HND The good news is that the law requires workplaces to provide you you with this training but it’s your responsibility to to learn from it it and properly apply it it to to your role Doing so will not only ensure your business meets its legal requirements but also keeps everyone’s best interests in in mind at all times Furthermore you’ll feel confident and qualified in your role which customers and colleagues will pick up on and respect ATTENTION TO DETAIL
Whatever role you occupy attention to detail involves maximising your time to make everything the best it can be It means whenever you’re not doing something you you use that bit of time for small maintenance tasks around the workplace This could involve glancing around the room to see
if anything is is out of place or missing It may involve checking whether dishes or equipment need moving elsewhere to clean and whether anything needs putting away Be critical of everything because customers are likely doing the the same They’ll notice crumbs under their table foggy glasses missing cutlery and so much more They also have high expectations for their meal so so whether you’re preparing or carrying it pay attention to how it looks Good attention to detail will keep service flowing smoothly and customers pleased with the environment Before long it’ll become habit for you you to keep yourself busy and never leave or enter a a a room without your hands full ADAPTABILITY
Communicating clearly and professionally through your speech writing and body language is essential to good customer customer service in in hospitality In a a a customer-facing and and team-oriented role everything you say and and do must communicate a a a a positive constructive message that enhances the customer’s experience and enables your team to to work together efficiently The most important part of communicating is is listening Therefore when talking to to customers you should adopt a a a genuine warmth and interest in in in them Ask questions listen to to what they have to to say and respond accordingly Doing so will create natural spontaneous conversations that gives guests the the impression you really care about them When communicating with your team active listening makes or or breaks whether work flows smoothly and you’re all coordinated You should regularly talk to your colleagues about what what you you need need to do and what what you you need need from them Remember that you all need each other to get things done so being open honest respectful and appreciative is really in in everyone’s best interest A career in in in hospitality often involves dealing with unpredictability Your shifts may regularly change customers may have requests or attitudes that you don’t know how to handle and and odd jobs around the place may constantly need doing Your ability to adapt is closely connected to your multitasking capabilities resilience and initiative so if you you work to train those up you’ll find yourself adapting with ease Most importantly you should constantly maintain a a a a a can-do attitude at at work Doing so will help you see
unpredictable situations as welcome challenges that are satisfying to overcome Accept that nothing is is ever set in in in stone and that things do go wrong: focus less on on on resisting change and and wishing everything was easy and and instead on being skilled at at at carrying on no matter what 65

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