Page 6 - FGMA Golf Brochure
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FGMA works with people and Golf
Club organizations that serve others
and impact lives.
We Build Community. That is, our practice is dedicated to creating
environments that make up the landscape of our daily lives. Over our 75+ year
history as a business we have honed a set of values that have at their core
commitment, integrity and people.
These guide everything we do.
We’ve found that how we The end result is a design
work with our clients is just as solution backed by solid
important as what we design. consensus; everyone has
We believe in face-to-face participated in its creation
communication, listening and and understands the logic
observing how users interact of the planning process. We
with their environment. help lead this process and act
as a trusted advisor, providing
Our team is committed to our clients the information
delivering world-class design and technical advice they
that is the right size for the need to make decisions
project scope, schedule and quickly and confidently.
At the end of the day, it’s
Because we work almost the client’s mission that
solely with self-funded determines project priorities.
organizations, we understand To achieve this, we have
that the people we serve to be a partner. We bring
extend well beyond those a balanced, common-
we report to on a daily basis. sense design approach
As such, one of the most that considers all aspects
important things we do is of a building, not just the
involving stakeholders in aesthetic.
every step of a project.