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               Four Options Rise to the Top

               In-depth interviews conducted by the Organizational Structure committee revealed that
               although AIMM member companies are active in Multicultural and Inclusive marketing, the
               scope and lifespan of their initiatives vary. Some are pioneers, while others have only just
               begun their journey. Those with years of experience fi nd themselves expanding into new
               segments after being focused on just one or two. Even the most experienced marketers still
               remember that moment when they asked, “Where do I begin?”

               Maybe metrics point to an untapped business opportunity, or more qualitative evidence makes
               a compelling case for change. No matter the inciting incident, at some point a savvy marketer
               will want to launch a Multicultural marketing initiative. Based on feedback from AIMM
               members, these are some popular fi rst steps to help set a program in motion:

                         Identify external resources with the specialized skill sets to quantify the business
                       opportunity and address culturally specifi c strategic development. This could lead
                       to engaging a qualifi ed consulting fi rm or agency for strategy, culturally relevant
                       creative, media, and experiential development and execution.

                       Staff internal teams with subject matter experts, either by recruiting specialists or
                       identifying internal individuals with proven Inclusive and Multicultural marketing
                       experience. Develop training programs to strengthen the cultural capabilities of
                       internal marketing stakeholders.

                       Evaluate your existing structure and its history to customize organizational elements
                       that align with your existing company culture. For example, are you hierarchal
                       or decentralized? This may infl uence what works best as you add Multicultural
                       components to each department or better support a stand-alone unit.

               As AIMM members worked together to explore structural possibilities and best practices,
               it became clear that four structures were most prevalent across brands, independent of
               industry: Dedicated, Center of Excellence (COE), Integrated, and Hybrid.

               In reviewing these options, it is important to keep in mind that structure is not a static
               concept. Structures must be able to adapt to business and marketplace circumstances.
               AIMM’s research confi rmed that marketers experiment with and adapt structures depending
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