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                   3.  INTEGRATED STRUCTURE:

                       Places Multicultural marketing responsibilities inside an overall brand structure and
                       often relies upon having diverse hires/specialists integrated across the organization.

               An integrated structure is often associated with the belief that, when it comes to Multicultural
               marketing, “everyone is responsible.” As brands strive to ensure their teams are diverse
               and culturally competent, they often turn to an integrated model as a statement of cultural
               commitment. Caution should be taken, however, to ensure this well-intended model isn’t
               implemented prematurely, before teams exhibit verifi able cultural competence. Without
               attention to roles and accountability, everyone being responsible can easily result in no one
               being accountable. It can also result in costly marketing missteps as inexperienced team
               members are put in a position to navigate complex cultural issues. Such missteps have been
               known to cause irrevocable damage to a brand. If marketers are expected to manage Inclusive
               and Multicultural initiatives, they need cultural fl uency and signifi cant training on how to
               target very diverse segments. Lack of knowledge across an integrated team structure can also
               lead to a lack of effort or investment, minimizing the opportunity and deprioritizing a target
               that has the potential to maximize corporate growth.

               One example of a company that deploys an integrated structure throughout the organization is
               Kaiser Permanente. Because diversity is core to the roots and mission of this almost 75-year-
               old health care company, the integrated model aligns with established values and vision. “A
               few subject matter experts serve as consultants across all marketing functions,” explained
               Rojas. “They are included at the inception of campaigns, participating in strategy and
               throughout creative development. Campaign insights and reports are broken out by key target
               segments, and each campaign owner is accountable for overall results.” Kaiser’s external
               agency teams also work using an integrated model.
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