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               or other internal entities. While related, Diversity
               and Inclusion and Multicultural marketing are not            While related,
               the same thing. Diversity and Inclusion play more            Diversity and Inclusion
               of an internal role, focusing on human resources
               and corporate culture. Multicultural marketing is            and Multicultural
               more external, focusing on consumers — and, as               marketing are not
               with all marketing, prioritizing revenue growth.             the same thing.

               Another “ingredient” in designing an effective
               structure is Budget.

               Regardless of structure, it is important to be clear about who has budget control or
               accountability. Will that specifi c individual or team be working in alignment with subject
               matter experts who are best positioned to develop and implement Inclusive and Multicultural
               marketing initiatives? Brands traditionally base investments on projected business
               opportunity, so it is important that cultural insights are strategically connected to business
               objectives and have a bearing on investment decisions early in the budgeting process and not
               as an afterthought. A structure should create clear lines of accountability, identify budget
               holders, and know how work will be measured or evaluated. If budget-holders are responsible
               for the ultimate decision as to how and when to target Multicultural and/or Inclusive
               segments, then they should be accountable to the company for these efforts as well.

               Empowerment is also important. If cultural specialists are not budget holders, their role may
               be more consultative in nature. This may prevent them from fully activating recommendations.
               With or without budget responsibility, experts should be empowered to bring culturally
               attuned ideas to the table, speak honestly about cultural concerns, and stay engaged
               throughout program execution and evaluation.

               Along with budgets, clarity around Reporting Structures is also essential. It is important
               to establish reporting structures that allow Multicultural marketing programs and those
               responsible for them to report to senior level executives, including the C-suite. If Multicultural
               marketing specialists or others with Inclusive and Multicultural marketing responsibility
               are not reporting to the C-suite, including CMOs and other senior-level executives, their
               recommendations are often left out of prioritization and fi nal decision-making.
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