Page 15 - AIMM_BookDesign2_Body_021719_v8.indd
P. 15


               Key considerations related to this structure:


                  Facilitates the introduction of Multicultural insights into “mainstream” campaigns.

                  Makes Multicultural marketing everyone’s responsibility.

                  Makes it possible to address Multicultural audiences as an integral part of the
                  “mainstream” versus perceiving segments as minority or marginalized.


                  Subject matter experts may not exist on team. When expertise does exist, it can be
                  diluted by stretching resources too thin.

                  Although all marketing executives are technically responsible, they’re not always

                    Previous knowledge and/or experience targeting Inclusive and Multicultural segments
                  may not be required, or random criteria for expertise may be applied.

                  Compromise and consensus prioritize universal over unique cultural truths.

                    Due to the nature of integration, no formal structure is in place to encourage prioritizing
                  or advocating for segment opportunities.
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