Page 34 - Synchrony US Hispanic Market Playbook
P. 34


             Most Hispanics do not want to assimilate. This is an antiquated concept that is no
             longer relevant today. However, in an effort to keep marketing budgets from
             escalating, many marketers favor a “one-size-fits-all” Total Market approach that

             treats all consumers alike, under the misguided impression that this is an efficient use
             of their marketing dollars.

             A 2018 Monitor Study conducted by Kantar Consulting examined the state of the US
             consumer marketplace, including perspectives on the multicultural segment, and
             found that:

                 92% of Hispanics believe that it feels natural to live in the U.S. and connect to its
                    culture, yet still, retain the culture of their country of origin.

                 Furthermore, 80% of Hispanics feel entirely comfortable being the only person
                    of their ethnicity in a large group of people. This number reaches 86% among

                    Millennial Hispanics and 93% among centennial Hispanics.

             The study highlights that strategies based on culture & language when well executed
             can unlock areas of opportunities for brands that are seeking to accelerate their
             business performance further.

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