Page 119 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 119
Rank Life/ soft skills Rating
2020 2021 2022 2023 (200)
1 1 1 1 XLRI -- Xavier School of Management,
Jamshedpur 178
2 2 2 2 Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad 177
9 10 9 3 ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad 176
3 3 3 4 Symbiosis Institute of Business
Management (SIBM), Pune 175
4 4 4 5 Symbiosis Centre for Management &
Human Resource Development, Pune 174
5 5 5 6 SP Jain Institute of Management &
Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai 173
6 6 6 7 International Management Institute (IMI),
Delhi 172
7 7 6 7 School of Business Management, NMIMS
IMT Ghaziabad: leadership/governance quality India #5 Deemed University, Mumbai 172
8 8 8 8 Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB),
Bhubaneswar 171
10 10 8 9 Institute of Management Technology (IMT),
Ghaziabad 170
NR NR 7 9 KJ Somaiya Institute of Management,
Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai 170
Rank Leadership / Rating NR NR 10 10 TA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), 169
2020 2021 2022 2023 governance quality (200) NR NR NR 10 Amity Business School (Amity University),
1 1 1 1 Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad 180 Noida 169
2 2 2 2 XLRI -- Xavier School of Management,
Jamshedpur 179
5 6 3 3 SP Jain Institute of Management &
Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai 178
3 2 2 4 Symbiosis Institute of Business
Management (SIBM), Pune 177
6 4 4 5 Institute of Management Technology (IMT),
Ghaziabad 176
NR NR 4 5 KJ Somaiya Institute of Management, Rank Research Rating
Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai 176 2020 2021 (400)
4 5 5 6 School of Business Management, NMIMS 2022 2023
Deemed University, Mumbai 175 1 1 1 1 Indian School of Business (ISB),
NR NR 10 6 Amity Business School (Amity University), Hyderabad 365
Noida 175 NR 8 6 2 KJ Somaiya Institute of Management,
9 3 3 7 ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad 174 Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai 340
NR NR 5 7 Symbiosis Centre for Management & 2 2 4 3 Management Development Institute (MDI),
Human Resource Development, Pune 174 Gurugram 337
8 6 6 7 TA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), 8 6 2 4 International Management Institute (IMI),
Manipal 174 Delhi 336
3 4 8 8 Management Development Institute (MDI), 3 4 3 5 XLRI -- Xavier School of Management,
Gurugram 173 Jamshedpur 334
NR 7 7 8 International Management Institute (IMI), 5 3 3 6 ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad 331
Delhi 173 4 5 5 7 Institute of Management Technology (IMT),
7 8 8 9 Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB), Ghaziabad 329
Bhubaneswar 172 9 10 7 8 School of Business Management, NMIMS
9 10 8 9 Birla Institute of Management Technology, Deemed University, Mumbai 325
Greater Noida 172 6 7 8 9 TA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI),
10 5 5 10 Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies, Kochi 171 Manipal 324
NR NR NR 10 Amrita School of Business, Amrita Viswa NR NR 9 10 SP Jain Institute of Management &
Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore 171 Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai 323