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Cover Story EW India Private B-schools Rankings 2023-24

                                                               Rank      Value for money           Rating
                                                             2020   2021   2022  2023               (200)

                                                            1   1   1   1   XLRI — Xavier School of Management,
                                                                         Jamshedpur                 168
                                                            3   3   2   2   SP Jain Institute of Management &
                                                                         Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai   167
                                                            NR  NR  NR  3   ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad   166
                                                            6   6   4   4   Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB)
                                                                         Bhubaneswar                165
                                                            2   2   3   5   Management Development Institute (MDI),
                                                                         Gurugram                   164
                                                            4   4   4   5   School of Business Management, NMIMS
                                                                         Deemed University, Mumbai   164
                                                            5   5   5   6   Institute of Management Technology (IMT),
                                                                         Ghaziabad                  163
                                                            NR  NR   9   6   KJ Somaiya Institute of Management,
         Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurugram: student                 Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai   163
         intake/ selection process India #2                 NR  NR  10   7   Symbiosis Institute of Business
                                                                         Management (SIBM), Pune    162
                                                            8   9   7   8   TA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI),
                                                                         Manipal                    161
                                                            10   8   8   9   International Management Institute (IMI),
                                                                         Delhi                      160
                                                            NR  NR  NR  10   Amity Business School (Amity University),
                                                                         Noida                      159

              Rank      Curriculum & pedagogy     Rating
            2020   2021   2022  2023               (200)

           1   1   1   1   Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad   187  Rank  Student intake/ selec-  Rating
           2   2   2   2   SP Jain Institute of Management &    2020   2021   tion process          (200)
                        Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai   186             2022  2023
           3   3   3   3   XLRI -- Xavier School of Management,     1   1   1   1   XLRI — Xavier School of Management,
                        Jamshedpur                 185                   Jamshedpur                 182
           4   4   4   4   School of Business Management, NMIMS     2   2   2   2   Management Development Institute (MDI),
                        Deemed University, Mumbai   184                  Gurugram                   181
           5   5   5   5   Institute of Management Technology (IMT),     3   3   3   3   SP Jain Institute of Management &
                        Ghaziabad                  183                   Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai   180
           7   7   6   6   Symbiosis Institute of Business      6   4   4   4   School of Business Management, NMIMS
                        Management (SIBM), Pune    182                   Deemed University, Mumbai   179
           NR  NR  10   6   KJ Somaiya Institute of Management,      4   5   5   5   Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad  178
                        Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai   182    5   6   6   6   Symbiosis Institute of Business
           10   8   7   7   TA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI),                 Management (SIBM), Pune   177
                        Manipal                    181      9   7   7   7   International Management Institute (IMI),
           8   8   8   8   Management Development Institute (MDI),                Delhi             176
                        Gurugram                   180      NR  NR   9   7   KJ Somaiya Institute of Management,
           NR  NR  NR  8   Amity Business School (Amity University),                 Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai   176
                        Noida                      180      7   8   8   8   Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB),
           9   9   9   9   International Management Institute (IMI),                Bhubaneswar     175
                        Delhi                      179      8   10   9   9   TA Pai Management Institute (TAPMI),
           6   6   10  10   Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB),                Manipal           174
                        Bhubaneswar                178      10   9   8   9   ICFAI Business School (IBS), Hyderabad   174
           NR  NR  NR  10   Symbiosis Centre for Management &      NR  NR  NR  9   Amity Business School (Amity University),
                        Human Resource Development, Pune   178               Noida                  174
           NR  NR  NR  10   Birla Institute of Management Technology,     NR  NR  10  10   Symbiosis Centre for Management &
                        Greater Noida              178                   Human Resource Development, Pune   173

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