Page 22 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 22
Education News
taka legislative assembly. Unsurpris- do the editors of EducationWorld, es- Soon after the announcement, on
ingly, it has made reform of the public tablished in 1999 with the mission to March 27, the state government set
school system a top electoral priority. “build the pressure of public opinion up a 10-member committee com-
Following the Delhi model, it prom- to make education the #1 item on the prising Bankura University VC Deb
ises upgradation of all government national agenda.” Narayan Bandyopadhyay, North
schools; making all contract teachers Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru) Bengal University VC Om Prakash
permanent in government schools; Mishra, Rabindra Bharati University
establishing a fees regulation commit- WEST BENGAL VC Nirmalya Narayan Chakraborty,
tee for private schools and introducing under the chairmanship of Jadavpur
separate curriculums for music, the- U-turn surprise University VC Suranjan Das, to get
atre, entrepreneurship; and its patent- feedback about NEP and formulate
ed happiness curriculum to improve fter procrastinating for a higher education policy tailored
mental well-being of children. several months over the issue to the needs and interests of West
owever, monitors of Karnataka’s Aof implementation of the Na- Bengal. The committee will submit
Hcrumbling education system are tional Education Policy (NEP) 2020, its report by May end.
not impressed with the education re- West Bengal’s Trinamool Congress The sudden U-turn of the state
form promises made by these major (TMC) government has signalled a government in accepting the BJP
parties. In particular, the Congress’ rejig of its strategy. In what is being government at the Centre’s diktat has
statement that if elected to power, it interpreted as a sudden soften- startled the stakeholders of educa-
will reject NEP 2020 and prepare a ing of its opposition to NEP 2020, tion in West Bengal (pop.91 million),
new State Education Policy has taken on March 17, the higher education including teachers’ associations,
the academy by surprise, especially department wrote to registrars of all educationists and students. They are
since implementation of NEP 2020 state universities to introduce the miffed that the announcement was
has already begun in education insti- “new curriculum and credit frame- made without teachers and profes-
tutions in the state. work” in compliance with NEP 2020 sors being taken into confidence,
“The Congress party says it will recommendations for four-year ambiguity in the directive over what
reject NEP if it comes to power. NEP undergraduate programmes in the will become of the two-year Master’s
is not a legal document. It is a vision forthcoming academic year starting programme, and also that learning
document. For a policy to be evaluated July. compulsory yoga has found place
in a true sense, it must complete at in the directive. Additionally,
least one cycle. A blanket rejection of there is concern that the four-
this painstakingly devised policy with- year undergrad programme
out evaluating the vision behind it, is could result in more dropouts,
irresponsible. There is some merit in corporatisation of the educa-
Congress’ promise about revision of tion sector, and reduced role
textbooks. That’s the prerogative of of state governments, enabling
any government that comes to power the Centre to acquire more
and they are free to do so,” says Dr. power in education, contrary
Chetan Singhai, chief consultant, to the spirit of the Constitu-
NEP 2020 and deputy director, Ra- tion of India.
maiah Public Policy Centre, Benga- Academics of leading
luru, who adds that election manifes- colleges of Kolkata are also
tos are merely declarations of intent Banerjee: strategy rejig voicing concern regarding
and “implementation needs detailing, implementing NEP from July
strategies, and deadlines”. The state government’s decision as they feel that faculty shortages
Nevertheless, monitors of Karna- came after the secretary of the Uni- — according to them, nearly 2,000
taka’s crumbling government school versity Grants Commission (UGC) assistant professors and 100 princi-
education system — the state is ranked wrote to it on January 31, asking it pals posts are vacant in government
#6 on NUEPA’s Education Develop- to implement NEP guidelines. Cur- colleges, along with lack of adequate
ment Index — derive some comfort rently, West Bengal’s 20 state-aided infrastructure including availability
from the considerable space given to universities, 49 government-owned of classrooms to accommodate stu-
education reform and upgradation in and 433 government-aided degree dents for two extra semesters — will
the manifestos of the major political colleges and 11 private universi- stymie introduction of the four-year
parties, even if they are merely nomi- ties offer three-year undergraduate undergrad degree programme.
nal politically correct statements. So programmes. Academy dons express surprise