Page 18 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 18

Education News

           DELHI                                                           teacher educators, experts, scholars
         Micro-management apprehensions                                    and professionals on the various sec-

                                                                           tions and recommendations of this
                                                                           NCF-School Education. While giving
                                                                           your feedback, it needs to be kept
                                                                           in view that this is a pre-draft of the
                                                                           NCF-SE which still requires several
                                                                           rounds of discussion within the
                                                                           National Steering Committee (NSC).
                                                                           Feedback from diverse stakeholders
                                                                           will further help NSC to look criti-
                                                                           cally into different modalities and
                                                                           approaches that this framework is
                                                                             Although the voluminous reports
                                                                           and deeply detailed NEP 2020
                                                                           implementation manuals produced
                                                                           after the Kasturirangan Commit-
                                                                           tee’s 484-page report was translated
                                                                           in the 60-page NEP 2020 and the
                                                                           production of the 360-page NCF-FS
         Dr. Kasturirangan (centre) with Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan (right)  (foundational stage) report followed
                                                                           by the 628-page NCF-SE report to
            ndia is headed for a sweeping reor-  tion of critical thinking in lieu of   be followed by 10 implementation
            ganisation of its school system in   rote learning, in school education.   volumes reflect well on Dr. Kasturi-
         Ithe next few years. The 628-page   The Steering Committee for imple-  rangan’s enthusiasm and attention to
         draft National Curriculum Frame-  menting NEP 2020, chaired by the   detail, it raises questions of over-
         work for School Education (NCF-SE)   indefatigable Dr. K. Kasturirangan,   centralisation and prolixity. Not
         made public on April 6, based on the   has already completed the NCF-FS   a few educationists wonder about
         National Education Policy (NEP)   (foundational stage) made public   implementation time lines and who
         2020, offers ample evidence of the   last October to universal acclama-  will read these detailed reports and
         impending overhaul. The NCF-SE   tion. Now it is working on NCF-SE   volumes.
         draft has been placed in the public   which will be followed by detailed   “NCF 2005 was also finalised by
         domain for feedback and sugges-  implementation manuals for NCF-  10 focus groups which produced ex-
         tions from all stakeholders without a   TE (teacher education) and NCF-AE   cellent implementation reports. But
         deadline and also circulated to state   (adult education).        the point is very few principals and
         governments for their views.       The recently completed draft   teachers bothered to read them, let
          The expectation within the Union   NCF-SE is an exhaustive and de-  alone implement them. That’s why
         education ministry is that NCF-SE   tailed document of 628 pages which   despite these excellent reports and
         will move closer to finality within   provides a road-map for seamless   implementation manuals, learning
         the next three-four months and new   integration of 13 curricular goals   outcomes in primary education re-
         textbooks will be written for the aca-  for transforming school education   main poor as testified by the Annual
         demic year 2024-25. The latter pro-  in all its stages. This draft will be   Status of Education Reports (ASER)
         cess has already begun with history   supplemented by manuals written by   of the authoritative Pratham Educa-
         textbooks authorised by NCERT — a   25 focus groups and a consultative   tion Foundation. Other surveys also
         subsidiary of the Union education   process.                      indicate that learning outcomes of
         ministry — which have omitted the   In a statement accompanying re-  India’s children are deteriorating. So
         entire Mughal period (1526-1857),   lease of the draft NCF-SE for public   quite obviously these lengthy reports
         having already generated massive   scrutiny, the ministry of education   and detailed implementation road-
         controversy.                     says: “Given the diverse needs of stu-  maps don’t work,” says the principal
            Undoubtedly there are sev-    dents, multiple pedagogic approach-  of an upscale CISCE-affiliated school
         eral positive features in NEP 2020   es, learning-teaching material at the   in Delhi.
         including the formalisation of early   different stages of school education,   This over centralisation and
         childhood education, inclusion of   it is felt important to take feedback   micro-management of big ticket
         vocational education and promo-  from students, parents, teachers,   reforms envisaged in the 628-page

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