Page 30 - EW May 2023_Neat
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Education Briefs
Duolingo & Next Genius cially curated to support creation and of tomorrow,” said Sidharth Malik,
initiative scaling up of an ecosystem for manu- CEO at CleverTap.
facturing semiconductors in India.
Added Subhankar Paul, Direc-
Mumbai, april 26. The US-based A four-year undergraduate pro- tor and Co-founder of Barefoot Edu
Duolingo Inc, which has designed the gramme, it will provide students with Foundation: “At Barefoot, we are
global Duolingo English Test (DET), an in-depth understanding of the sub- fully committed to providing a strong
a modern English proficiency assess- ject. The course curriculum covers a foundation for children to think, feel,
ment for international students and wide range of topics such as digital dream, and thrive. CleverTap’s contri-
institutions, and its India partner, electronics, VLSI design and testing, bution will go a long way in making
Next Genius Foundation, are embark- analog and mixed-signal circuits. STEM more accessible to students,
ing on an Inspiring India Tour to visit “Through this programme, stu- especially young girls. Building the
1,000 high schools across 50 cities dents will not only gain knowledge, appropriate infrastructure to facilitate
in India over the next two years. The but they will also acquire hands-on ex- an environment of learning is the first
tour is an initiative to introduce DET perience of cutting-edge technology, step towards changing the way society
and other educational resources to allowing them to excel in their future approaches education.”
students and counsellors across India. careers. The semiconductor industry
Comments Dr. Neeraj Mandha- is expected to require 20,000 quali- Drones Excellence Centre
na, founder of the Next Genius Schol- fied professionals by 2025 and our
arship Program: “English proficiency programme aims to close this gap Bengaluru, april 10. Bengaluru-
tests are mandatory for admission into by providing students with the com- based Aereo Pvt. Ltd, an Indian end-
most universities and colleges abroad. petencies to work in this thriving in- to-end drone solutions startup, has
Next Genius is happy to partner with dustry,” said Cdr (Dr.) Anil Rana, signed a Memorandum of Under-
Duolingo to reach out to more stu- Director, MIT Manipal, speaking on standing (MoU) with SJC Institute
dents and schools, spread awareness the occasion. of Technology, Bengaluru (SJCIT,
about DET and our scholarship pro- estb.1986) to extablish a Centre of
gramme to support students’ aca- CleverTap-Barefoot Excellence. The centre will serve as
demic and professional aspirations. a platform where students learn the
India is the largest market for DET partnership fundamentals of drones, drone map-
with people taking English proficiency ping, GIS, data processing, and a certi-
tests in 1,200 cities and towns in the Mumbai, april 18. CleverTap, the fied remote pilot training programme.
past year, making the Inspiring India world’s #1 Retention Cloud, an- SJCIT claims to be the first to pro-
Tour initiative timely and relevant.” nounced a partnership with Barefoot vide holistic drone education in In-
“Our goal is to provide modern Edu Foundation to promote STEM dia as also fundamental remote pilot
English proficiency assessment that’s (science, technology, engineering, training. The Centre of Excellence will
accessible to the broader Indian and mathematics) education in bud- help students build a career in India’s
population.” says Tara Kapur, In- get private schools (BPS) in Mumbai. booming drones industry. The courses
dia Marketing Head of DET. “DET is This partnership intends to develop will be taught by highly experienced
recognised by over 4,000 institutions fully operational STEM labs in 12 BPS industry experts.
in over 50 countries, and is trusted by citywide. “This Centre of Excellence will lay
top universities in the US, UK, Cana- These labs will enable students to the groundwork for drone education
da, Australia,” she adds. demonstrate increased retention of in the country. We look forward to
textual subject knowledge through providing top-notch drone education
Semiconductor industry formative and summative testing. Six to the youth of Karnataka. Lack of
of the 12 STEM labs will be exclusive-
high-skilled workforce is a major bot-
program ly for girl children. Students will be tleneck of the Indian drone industry.
given resources to demonstrate their By imparting holistic drone education
Bengaluru, april 24. The Depart- creativity in applying textbook con- along with remote pilot training, we
ment of Electronics & Communica- cepts to real-world problems through aim to create thousands of new drone-
tion Engineering (E&C Engineering) engaging activities like melas and related jobs and pave the way for R&D
at the Manipal Institute of Technol- competitions. in indigenous drone technology. It will
ogy (MIT), Manipal, in collaboration “At CleverTap, we are true believers equip students with real-world expe-
with Semi-Conductor Laboratory, has that ‘a brilliant mind can come from rience and skills required to forge a
launched a new course — B.Tech Elec- anywhere’ and hope our efforts can lucrative career in this industry,” said
tronics Engineering (VLSI Design and help create a conducive environment Vipul Singh, co-founder and CEO of
Technology). This programme is spe- for young aspirants to become leaders Aereo speaking on the occasion.