Page 43 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 43
Centre for Forecasting & Research (C playing fields. Low-profile universi- arts Ashoka University have already
fore, estb.2000), the highly respected ties and HEIs ranked by less than 25 begun this process by introducing sci-
market research and opinion polls respondents are eliminated from the ence and engineering courses.
company, to draw up a sample re- rankings,” says Premchand Palety, Likewise, most autonomous col-
spondents database representative of promoter-CEO of C fore whose leges have introduced self-financed
informed public opinion. According- clients include Mint, Nestle and the skilling courses. Moreover, NEP
ly, C fore drew up a database of 2,417 Congress party. 2020 encourages a breakaway from
university faculty, 1,310 final year The EWIHER 2023-24 league narrow streaming — arts, engineer-
university students and 766 industry tables rating and ranking India’s ing, commerce programmes — by
representatives. best private and public universities advocating inter-disciplinary learn-
“They were interviewed by our that enable students and parents to ing, multiple entry and exits from
field personnel and persuaded to rate choose aptitudinally suitable HEIs study programmes and establishment
government and private universities for further study, are presented at a of a digital Academic Bank of Credits
on ten parameters of higher educa- time of great flux in Indian educa- (ABC).
tion excellence, viz, competence of tion, especially higher education. The Therefore, school and college leav-
faculty, faculty welfare and devel- National Education Policy (NEP), ing students are advised to carefully
opment, research and innovation, 2020 mandates that all colleges and study the EWIHER 2023-24 league
pedagogic systems and processes, universities gradually transform tables. The broad categories of private
industry interface, placements and into multi-disciplinary, autonomous and government universities are sub-
infrastructure on a scale of 1-300 higher education institutions univer- divided into multidisciplinary, liberal
— with research and innovation sities. arts and humanities, engineering and
accorded highest weightage. The Obviously the lead in this direc- technology, all-women, agriculture,
scores awarded by respondents tion will be taken by colleges and social sciences, medical, etc, to en-
under each category were totalled universities ranked in various cat- able students to choose HEIs which
to rate and rank public and private egories in EWIHER 2023-24. Some indicate capability to evolve with the
universities separately to create level like the crowd-funded private liberal temper of the times.
Metro cities
Tier II, III & IV cities
(162 cities)