Page 46 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 46

Cover Story



         With the National
         Education Policy
         2020 mandating the
         transformation of all
         colleges and universities
         into multidisciplinary
         institutions by 2035, they
         are the flavour of the

                    ultidisciplinary univer-
                    sities are the flavour
                    of the season. The new
         MNational Education
         Policy (NEP) 2020 has mandated
         that all specialised or single stream
         colleges and universities including   Amity’s Dr. Atul Chauhan: brand building mastermind
         undergrad colleges, should begin the
         process of transforming into multi-  stream, and combine it with minors   Kasturirangan Committee which
         disciplinary universities and com-  from other streams to acquire well-  prepared the Draft NEP 2020 was
         plete it by 2035. The Kasturirangan   rounded higher education. Thus an   well aware that if Steve Jobs had not
         Report (2019) which was substan-  engineering student can study busi-  attended the multidisciplinary Reed
         tially translated into NEP 2020 made   ness management simultaneously.   College, Portland (USA) in which cal-
         a strong case for multidisciplinary   This would avoid wastage of time and   ligraphy is/was an elective subject,
         universities.                    learning involved in their first com-  Apple Inc would not have blossomed
           Somewhat belatedly it advocated   pleting a four-year engineering pro-  into the world’s most admired and
         that India’s large number of engi-  gramme and subsequently signing up   highest market cap transnational
         neering and technology undergrad   for a two-year MBA programme with   corporate enterprise.
         colleges which because of their high   a B-school as is the current practice.   In the suddenly fashionable
         quality of education have been con-  It’s not uncommon for duly qualified   category of private multidisciplinary
         ferred university status, should begin   engineers to transform into market-  universities which have drawn inspi-
         the process of introducing liberal   ing managers of consumer goods who   ration from the globally renowned
         arts, science and commerce and   don’t put their engineering education   private Ivy League universities of
         other study programmes (business   to any use at all.             America (Harvard, Yale, Boston
         management, law, medicine etc) and   Alternatively, a large number of   among others), Amity Univer-
         small, single stream, colleges in a   engineers become ‘tunnel-vision   sity, arguably the most intensively
         given area could “cluster” to coalesce   techies’ with no awareness of the   advertised education institution on
         into universities.               Constitution, history or liberal arts   television and social media globally,
           This makes good sense as a     subjects. By mandating transforma-  rules the roost. Although academic
         university by definition should offer   tion of all higher education institu-  dons tend to disparage marketing of
         access to a whole universe of higher   tions (HEIs) into multidisciplinary   education institutions whose deeds
         learning making it easier for students   universities, NEP 2020 addresses   should speak for themselves, Amity’s
         to select a major from a particular   this problem. Undoubtedly, the   media blitz masterminded by nexgen

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