Page 49 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 49

students enrolled in mainly profes-
         sional degree programmes — engi-
         neering, financial accounting — in
           “Moreover in keeping with the
         NEP 2020 mandate, CU is rapidly
         transforming into a multidisciplinary
         university. Since 2019, when the
         Kasturirangan Committee Report
         was published, we have already
         introduced political and social sci-
         ences, philosophy and psychology
         degree programmes in our School of
         Liberal Arts,” says Chitkara.
           Nor is Dr. Chitkara apprehen-
         sive about the entry of foreign
         universities into the higher educa-
         tion marketplace. “The entry of
         foreign universities into India is
         a positive development as it will   GITAM University, Vizag campus: steady ascent. Inset: Prof. Jaishankar E. Variya
         stimulate healthy competition. We
         are confident about our ability to   multidisciplinary universities from   management, architecture and public
         compete and maintain our ranking   #19 in 2021-22 to #14 last year and   policy. I’m sure these initiatives will
         among the Top 10 because we are   #11 this year has enthused the man-  enable us to continuously move up in
         constantly improving and updating   agement of the Gandhi Institute   the EW rankings,” says Jaishankar
         our infrastructure and faculty while   of Technology and Management   E. Variya, an alumnus of IIT-
         developing a robust ecosystem for   (GITAM) deemed university as   Madras and Duke University (USA),
         research and innovation. We already   well. “Since 2020, we have recruited   who acquired valuable teaching and
         have several partnerships in place   several outstanding young faculty   admin experience at IIT-Kharagpur
         with foreign universities for student   with the mandate to create a cutting-  and VIT-Vellore prior to his ap-
         and faculty exchange programmes,   edge research culture within the   pointment as pro vice chancellor
         and team research initiatives. We   university. This will ensure that we   at GITAM in 2020. Currently, this
         are optimistic about competition and   keep moving up the EW and other   fast-forward university has 26,000
         cooperation in higher education and   rankings. Moreover, in anticipation   students mentored by 1,690 faculty
         are well-equipped to negotiate this   of NEP 2020 for all higher educa-  on its muster rolls.
         changing landscape,” she adds.   tion institutions to transform into   It’s pertinent to note that private
           Beyond the Top 10, several private   multidisciplinary universities, we   multidisciplinary varsities modestly
         multidisciplinary universities have   have introduced degree programmes   ranked nationally may well be heavy-
         risen in the esteem of the informed   in the humanities, law, business   weights in their host states, many of
         public. Among them, GI-                                                    whom are more populous
         TAM Deemed University,                     Shoolini University students    than some European
         Visakhapatnam to #11                                                       countries. For instance,
         (14), Shoolini University,                                                 KIIT Deemed Uni-
         Bajhol (Himachal Pradesh)                                                  versity is #1 in Odisha
         to #13 (14) and KIIT Uni-                                                  (pop.40 million) and
         versity, Bhubaneswar                                                       Jagran Lakecity Uni-
         #14 (40). Moreover, several                                                versity, Bhopal ranked
         other universities have been                                               #30 nationally is #1 in
         awarded sharp promotions                                                   Madhya Pradesh (pop.85
         in the 103-strong league ta-                                               million). Therefore, to be
         ble of India’s most admired                                                listed in the EW league
         private multidisciplinary                                                  table of India’s 103
         universities.                                                              private multidisciplinary
           The steady ascent up the                                                 universities is per se an
         EW league table of private                                                 achievement.

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