Page 57 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 57

“There’s no doubt in my mind that
                                                                           BITS-Pilani is a globally bench-
                                                                           marked engineering and technology
                                                                           HEI on a par with the best IITs. This
                                                                           is because of the very high quality of
                                                                           meritorious students we admit every
                                                                           year and our rigorous faculty search
                                                                           and selection process. This university
                                                                           is also quickly moving with the tem-
                                                                           per of the times. With the national
                                                                           focus on research and innovation,
                                                                           right now we have 1,800 research
                                                                           students reading for their Ph Ds.
                                                                           Moreover with the NEP 2020 having
                                                                           mandated all HEIs to transform into
                                                                           multi-disciplinary universities, we
                                                                           have already introduced business
                                                                           management, law and science and
                                                                           biology schools on our campuses.
          Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala: retained ranking  Even before NEP 2020 smoothed the
                                                                           way for foreign universities to enter
           Perhaps aware of the petty-mind-  BITS-Pilani on March 1 this year.   India, we entered into a comprehen-
         edness of UGC and official educracy,   That’s because almost imperceptibly   sive collaboration, twinning and joint
         the Birla Institute of Technol-  this private university has trans-  degree programmes all the way up
         ogy and Science, Pilani (BITS-   formed into a sprawling academic   to Ph Ds with the high-ranked RMIT
         Pilani), established by the legendary   transnational with campuses in Goa,   University, Australia, and are negoti-
         India Inc pioneer G.D. Birla, which   Mumbai, Hyderabad and Dubai   ating more collaboration agreements
         was conferred university status way   with an aggregate 18,000 students   with several American universities.
         back in 1964, has never attempted to   mentored by 900 faculty. The 3,600   Moreover we have drawn up a plan
         proclaim itself a university. And over   school-leavers of 200,000 aspirants   to recruit a substantial number of
         the past almost hundred years, it has   who pass its rigorous online entrance   South Asian academics from the US
         built itself a formidable reputation   examination have the option to select   and UK to return and serve with us.
         as the private sector response to the   a campus of their choice.   All this will require raising our public
         IITs and IISc (Indian Institute of   Yet despite almost all knowledge-  profile. BITS-Pilani is at an inflection
         Science).                        able academics readily conceding   point,” says Ramgopal Rao.
           In the annual EWIHER, BITS-    that BITS-Pilani is on a par with the   With BITS-Pilani continuing to
         Pilani has been consistently ranked   premier IITs and IISc, Bangalore,   chair the top table of private engi-
         India’s #1 private engineering and   in the Union education ministry’s   neering and tech universities, there’s
         technology university. This year as   National Institutional Ranking   been minor rearrangement of seating
         well it is ranked #1 with top scores   Framework of India’s Top 100   at top table. Thapar Institute
         under eight of the 12 parameters of   Engineering HEIs dominated by IITs   of Engineering & Technology,
         higher education excellence devised   and NITs, BITS-Pilani is ranked a   Patiala has retained its #2 ranking
         by EducationWorld/C fore. This de-  lowly #29, below Jadavpur, Kol-  which it is obliged to share with the
         spite maintaining a determinedly low   kata and Shiksha ‘O’ Anusandhan,   Vellore Institute of Technology
         public and media profile during the   Odisha, a phenomenon Prof. Rao   promoted from #3 in 2022-23. The
         reign of Dr. Souvik Bhattacha-   attributes to “low public profile.”   Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of
         rrya (2016-2023).                  However, the carefully constituted   Information and Communica-
           Institutional image projection   EducationWorld sample respon-  tion Technology, Gandhinagar
         policy is likely to change under   dents database comprising 4,223   (Gujarat) is given a big promotion
         Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, an alum   knowledgeable university faculty,   to #3 (5), a rank it shares with the
         of IIT-Bombay and Universitat der   final year students and industry   highly-rated IIIT, Hyderabad
         Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany with   leaders have had no hesitation about   (4). SRM Institute of Science &
         a long service record in IIT-Bombay   voting BITS-Pilani India’s #1 Private   Technology, Chennai is ranked
         and hitherto Director of IIT-Delhi,   Engineering & Technology Univer-  #4 and the (independent) Birla
         who was appointed vice chancellor of   sity last year and again in 2023-24.  Institute of Technology, Mesra

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