Page 58 - EW May 2023_Neat
P. 58
Cover Story EW India Private University Rankings 2023-24
(Ranchi) and SASTRA Deemed
University jointly ranked #5 com-
plete the Top 5.
Further down the Top 10 table,
BML Munjal University, Gu-
rugram ranked #6 shows steady
progress and PES University,
Bengaluru at #7 (11), Lovely Pro-
fessional University at #8 (21)
have risen sharply in the esteem of
the informed public. Ditto Saveetha
Institute of Medical and Techni-
cal Sciences, Chennai #8 (12) and
Jaypee Institute of Information
Technology, Noida #10 (13) who
complete the Top 10.
Dr. Aman Mittal, vice presi-
dent of the high-profile and well-
advertised Lovely Professional
University, Phagwara (Punjab), is LPU's Mittal (centre right): infrastructure investment
cheered by LPU’s zooming advance
up the EW league table, from #52 in into multidisciplinary institutions, tion agreements with several foreign
2020-21 to #21 in 2022-23 to #8 this LPU is “well-prepared” to make this universities. We have also developed
year. transition. “We have already started our internationalisation strategy to
“This is the outcome of recruiting offering interdisciplinary programs expand our global outreach, enhance
highly qualified faculty; establishing that combine multiple fields of study our cross-cultural competencies,
strong bonds with leading companies and promote cross-disciplinary and build partnerships with leading
to provide students internships and research. We have also established universities and organisations world-
hands-on training; signing collabora- centres of excellence that focus on wide. We are prepared for foreign
tions with several foreign universi- specific research areas and collabo- competition,” adds Mittal.
ties to promote academic exchanges, rate with other academic institutions The number of private engineer-
joint research, and cross-cultural and industry partners,” he says. ing and technology HEIs conferred
learning, and substantial investment Nor is Mittal fazed by the prospect deemed university status is small.
in various student support services of foreign universities establishing A mere 36 HEIs awarded univer-
such as career counseling, mentor- campuses in India. “I believe we are sity status by UGC are sufficiently
ing, and financial aid. Moreover, we well-prepared to meet this challenge well-known to be included in the
have made significant investments as LPU has already signed collabora- EW national league table this year.
in building world-class However, it should be borne
infrastructure — modern Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida: UP #1 in mind that private HEIs
classrooms, labs, libraries, awarded university status
and sports facilities — to which are modestly ranked
enrich the overall learning nationally, may well be heavy-
experience of our students,” weights in their host states.
says Mittal, an alum of For instance, the Jaypee
the Thapar Institute of Institute of Information
Engineering, Patiala and Technology, Noida ranked
Southampton University, #10 nationally is the #1 private
appointed VP of this fast- technology varsity of Uttar
track institute which has Pradesh (pop.215 million), and
an aggregate enrolment of University of Engineering
35,000 students, in 2021. & Management, Kolkata
According to Mittal, fol- #21 is the premier engineering
lowing NEP 2020 mandat- and technology private uni-
ing all engineering and tech versity of West Bengal (pop.91
universities to transform million).