Page 67 - EW May 2023_Neat
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he 2023-24 league table of India’s best private medi-  governments for excellence in medical/health sciences
               cal and health sciences (including health manage-  teaching and research.
         Tment) universities comprises 11 exclusive higher ed   The reaction of vice chancellors of the topper universi-
         institutions conferred university status by the Centre/state   ties.

                                                          ing commitment to quality and excellence in medical
                                                          and health sciences education, research and patient care.
                                                          In particular, our top scores under the parameters of
                                                          faculty competence, research and innovation and industry
                                                          interface are proof of the dedicated efforts of our highly
                                                          qualified faculty to continuously update curriculums and
                                                          pedagogies. At SRIHER, research is a high priority area
                                                          and several of our faculty have published papers in high
                                                          impact journals. In addition we have research collabora-
                                                          tions with institutions of repute within India and abroad.
                                                          Moreover SRIHER has established an Innovation and
                                                          Incubation Center with funding support from Govt. of
                                                          India to incubate 18 start-up companies in healthcare
                                                          technology. Now with NEP 2020 coming into force, the
                                                          university has formed a committee to proactively imple-
                                                          ment NEP recommendations specifically in the health
             We are pleased to learn that Sri Ramachandra In-  sciences domain” — Dr. Uma Sekar (centre left), Vice
             stitute of Higher Education and Research is ranked   Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher
         “India’s #1 private medical university for the second   Education and Research (Deemed University),
         year in a row. This is acknowledgement of our unswerv-  Chennai

             I am delighted that IIHMR University is ranked
             among India’s Top 2 private health sciences/man-
         “agement universities. I attribute our high ranking to
         continuous efforts made by all stakeholders to develop a
         world-class teaching-learning and research environment,
         contemporary infrastructure and strong international
                                   academic and research
                                   partnerships. IIHMR is
                                   India’s pioneer university
                                   in the health manage-
                                   ment sector and the
                                   Union health minis-
                                   try has designated us
                                   ‘Institute of Excellence’
                                   status. I am especially
                                   satisfied with our high   tions have already been implemented in IIHMR. We have
                                   scores under the param-  integrated several multidisciplinary programmes, started
                                   eters of curriculum and   value-added courses and signed collaboration agreements
                                   pedagogy and placements   with institutions in India and abroad to promote research
                                   because our curriculums   and development in health management” — Prof. P.R.
         are continuously updated. Moreover, we are pleased to   Sodani, President, IIHMR University, Jaipur and
         inform your readers that many NEP 2020 recommenda-  well-known health economist

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