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Cover Story EW India Private University Rankings 2023-24
INDIA'S TOP Private Liberal Arts & Humanities Universities
he 4,223 knowledgeable EW
sample respondents have
reconfirmed the new genre
TO.P. Jindal Global Uni-
versity (JGU, estb.2009) India’s #1
Liberal Arts and Humanities Univer-
sity. Sited on an 80-acre campus in
Sonipat (Haryana), JGU is awarded
top score on six of the ten parameters
of higher education excellence includ-
ing curriculum and pedagogy, research
and innovation, leadership, interna-
tionalism, industry interface and fac-
ulty welfare and development.
Prof. C. Raj Kumar, the cheer-
ful polymath Oxford and Harvard-
educated founding vice chancellor of
JGU, is delighted. “This is testament JGU's Dr. Raj Kumar: global acclaim
to our unwavering dedication to aca-
demic excellence, innovation, and so- date for all universities to transform time-line on it as yet,” says Raj Kumar.
cial impact. At JGU, we are committed into autonomous multidisciplinary And on the subject of the imminent
to playing a pivotal role in developing higher education institutions (HEIs). entry of foreign universities into India,
well-rounded, compassionate, and so- “Our institutional objective is to Raj Kumar, who has first-hand expe-
cially responsible graduates, who can first establish JGU as India’s most rience of teaching-learning in the US,
competently tackle the multifaceted comprehensive law and liberal arts UK, Japan and Hong Kong, is unfazed.
challenges of the 21st century,” says university. To that end, we have al- “Competition brings out the best in ev-
Raj Kumar. ready established 12 inter-disciplinary eryone, and we embrace it wholeheart-
Although JGU is currently a com- schools — law, business, liberal arts edly,” he says.
prehensive law, liberal arts and hu- and humanities, banking and finance, See table below for the exclusive
manities university which has received international affairs, government and six-strong league table of India’s best
global acclaim (ranked India’s #1 pri- public policy, etc — within JGU. Our liberal arts and humanities universi-
vate university by the London-based long-term plan is to start STEM and ties which offer US Ivy League-style
QS), it is mindful of NEP 2020’s man- medical schools though we can’t put a curriculums.
Private liberal arts & humanities league table
Rank Competence of faculty Faculty welfare & development (100) Research and innovation (300) Curriculum & pedagogy (digital readiness) (100) Industry interface (100) Placement (100) Infrastructure (150) Internationalism (100) Leadership / governance Range/diversity of programmes offered (100) TOTAL SCORE (1300) NIRF 2022* Rank
2020 2021 2022 2023 (150) quality (100)
4 3 1 1 OP Jindal Global University (Deemed University),
Sonipat (Haryana) 140 85 177 89 78 78 144 88 87 77 1043 NR
12 12 4 2 FLAME University, Pune (Maharashtra) 141 82 175 88 76 84 145 80 82 80 1033 NR
64 48 3 3 Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research
Institute (Deemed University), Pune (Maharashtra) 135 71 124 70 66 62 133 71 73 69 874 NR
86 76 5 4 World University of Design, Sonipat (Haryana) 124 66 121 62 62 62 122 57 63 56 795 NR
91 94 6 5 Jain Vishva Bharati Institute (Deemed University),
Nagaur (Rajasthan) 107 57 121 62 48 46 117 55 53 60 726 NR
104 103 7 6 Apex Professional University (APU), Pasighat
(Arunachal Pradesh) 103 55 121 53 48 48 98 46 48 54 674 NR