Page 12 - EW February 2023
P. 12
will wake up government higher Scores under every parameter
education institutions which are are awarded by 14,221 sample
indifferent to academic and research respondents comprising school
excellence. principals, parents, teachers and
It’s high time our myopic politi- senior students according to their
cians acknowledge the role and perception. See p.36 of our cover
contribution of private education in story – Editor
the national development effort.
Senthil Kumar
BENGALURU Agile classrooms
I AM HIGHLY impressed with Jes-
sica Cavallaro’s column on student-
Wrong focus driven agile classrooms (Teacher-
YOUR COVER story (EW Janu- 2-Teacher, EW January). As an
ary) has left me with a deep sense education professional myself I am
of disappointment. Instead of in full agreement with the author’s
JANUARY 2023 acknowledging that India’s highest views that to prepare students for the
ranked institutions in the QS and looming uncertain future, we need
THE World University Rankings to focus on equipping them with
Words of encouragement are public universities, you have transferable, flexible and adaptive
AS ALWAYS, the latest issue of celebrated private universities, which learning skills. Inviting students to
EducationWorld makes absorbing are highly ranked in your own league collaborate to engage with content is
reading. I hope in this year, we will table. Public technology and research the need of the hour.
meet the extraordinary expectations institutes such as the IITs need to be Anandi Singh
and aspirations of all for a transfor- appreciated for the commendable JAIPUR
mative change in our knowledge so- work they are doing. How can you
ciety enriched by erudite individuals dismiss their role in catalysing sea
like you. I appreciate your visionary change? Congratulations
oversight of this widely read maga- Suhaas P. on email I AM A regular reader of EW and
zine which is a fund of information was glancing through the Pictorial
for varied stakeholders representing Essay (EW January) section of your
different strata of India’s education Confusing methodology magazine.
community. RE PART II of your comprehensive Congratulations for organising the
Let me wish you the best of suc- EW India School Rankings 2022-23 EW Early Childhood Education
cess in all aspects of your multidi- (EW October). The management of Conference. Preschool and early
mensional endeavour in promoting Hopetown Girls School, Dehradun childhood educators need all en-
quality education, and thus creat- is deeply disappointed that we have couragement and support to nurture
ing an enlightened society shaping been awarded a low score under the children in the vitally important
India’s 21st century destiny. Sincere parameter of safety & hygiene. As foundational years.
best wishes for 2023. a fully residential school we pride Ayesha Omar
Dr. K. Kasturirangan on email ourselves on high standards of safety DELHI
and hygiene to ensure well-being of
our students. I assure you we have
Wake up call very strong protocols and systems. Dravid interview
I AM A regular reader of EW and Our Block Education Officer at IT WAS A pleasant surprise to see a
agree with your cover story (EW, Sahaspur who inspected our school cricketing legend like Rahul Dravid
January) that private universities are recently, especially complimented us being featured in a wholly education
“catalysing sea change in higher edu- for our safety and hygiene standards. magazine on a highly impressive
cation”. India’s slew of new genre, We are very confused with your second cover (EW January). Dravid’s
globally benchmarked privately evaluation methodology. Kindly interview was informative and in-
promoted universities have indeed clarify. sightful, beaming a strong spotlight
infused new life in higher education, Srinjoy Ghosh on the importance of children play-
and spirit of competition within the Administrative Coordinator ing sports for fun and enjoyment.
country’s apathetic public universi- Hopetown Girls School, Sivakumar Selva
ties. I hope your detailed cover story DEHRADUN CHENNAI