Page 48 - EW February 2023
P. 48

Cover Story

         community of school promoters, prin-                              of top-ranked Indian pre-primaries,
         cipals and teachers — albeit to lesser                            K-12  schools  and  HEIs  are  unper-
         extent in higher education — to raise                             turbed by the prospect of marketplace
         teaching-learning standards to global                             competition from foreign education
         norms.                                                            institutions.  On  the  contrary,  most
         T        annual rating and rank-                                  and universities on the reasoning that
                                                                           welcome the entry of foreign schools
                  HE EDUCATIONWORLD
                                                                           their best practices will seep into In-
                  ing surveys of preschools,
                                                                           waves will raise all boats.
                  primary-secondaries, col-                                dian education, and that competition
         leges and universities under several                                “Entry of foreign schools and HEIs
         parameters  of  education  —  rather                              into India’s expanding education sec-
         than mere academic excellence — have                              tor is welcome. I don’t believe they
         aroused great appreciation within the                             will pose a major threat to the coun-
         educators and parents communities.                                try’s top-ranked international schools
         As  a  result,  there  is  unprecedented                          which  have  acquired  experience  in
         awareness within the educators, par-  Gen. Ray: no threat perception  adapting  and  innovating  best  west-
         ents and students communities that                                ern  syllabuses  and  curriculums  for
         the  country’s  education  institutions   hygiene, mental and emotional well-  Indian conditions. In our neighbour-
         need to move beyond knowledge accu-  being services, among others.   hood,  25  high  quality  international
         mulation to developing the analytical,   The importance of balanced, mul-  schools  affiliated  with  the  Interna-
         critical thinking and problem-solving   tidisciplinary education is endorsed   tional  Baccalaureate  and  UK-based
         skills of children and youth to prepare   by NEP 2020. Although there is some   Cambridge examination boards have
         them for the increasingly complex and   legitimate apprehension about over-  been operational for several years. But
         new technologies-intensive workplac-  regulation, this charter unequivocally   they haven’t been able to dislodge us
         es of the future.                mandates   professionally-adminis-  from our #1 rank in your annual EW
           Further evidence of this new aware-  tered  early  childhood  and  founda-  rankings surveys for the past 11 years.
         ness of the importance of contempo-  tional  education;  development  of   That’s because in Indus International
         rary syllabuses and curriculums that   children’s critical thinking and ana-  schools,  we  are  constantly  improv-
         promote holistic education is provided   lytical  skills  through  projects-based   ing and enriching the IB curriculum
         by the tremendous response that the   and  skilling  pedagogies;  intensive   through  intensive  research  and  in-
         pioneer  annual  EducationWorld   teacher  development  programmes   novation.  In  2009  IIS,  Bangalore
         India School Rankings — which    and incorporation of new-age digital   became the country’s first school to
         since they were introduced in 2007   technologies into K-12 education. In   establish a teacher training and re-
         have ballooned into the largest and   higher education, NEP has mandated   search  institution  —  ITARI  (Indus
         most comprehensive schools ranking   internationalisation of HEIs through   Training and Research Institute). In
         survey worldwide — and the follow-up   intensified collaboration, student and   ITARI, we train teachers on advanced
         annual EWISR Awards generate with-  faculty exchange programmes, and in   digitally-enabled simulators, and are
         in the educators community. Ditto the   a remarkable ideological about-turn,   conducting  research  into  applying
         annual EW preschools, budget private   it invites foreign universities to estab-  Metaverse, AI and blockchain tech-
         schools, higher education institutions   lish owned campuses in India.   nologies in education. To develop our
         (HEIs) rankings and awards.        And it’s a measure of newly devel-  technology-enabled  curriculum,  we
           In this connection, it’s pertinent to   oped confidence spreading within the   have built bridges with higher edu-
         note that unlike institution rankings   domestic education sector that leaders   cation  institutions  including  Jindal
         abroad which rate and rank education                              Global University in India and Soka
         institutions under the sole parameter   Evidence of new awareness   University, Tokyo. Therefore by con-
         of  learning  outcomes,  the  multidi-  of the importance of con-  tinuously upgrading our teachers and
         mensional EW institutional ranking                                developing a hi-tech advanced ecosys-
         surveys  evaluate  schools  and  HEIs   temporary curriculums that   tem built for Indian conditions, we are
         under numerous parameters of excel-  promote holistic education   confident of taking on the best inter-
         lence including teacher welfare and                               national schools entering India,” says
         development, leadership, individual   is provided by  tremendous   Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Arjun Ray, PVSM,
         attention to students, curriculum &   response to the annual EW   VSM, chief executive of the Bangalore-
         pedagogy (digital readiness), co-cur-  India School Rankings      based Indus Trust (regstd.2003).
         ricular and sports education, safety &                              Under Gen. Ray’s leadership, the

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