Page 50 - EW February 2023
P. 50
Centa TPO 2021 Winners
he announcement of the CENTA International and happily surprised. Ecstatic euphoria. Writing the
TTeaching Professionals Olympiad (TPO) 2021 re- TPO over the years has allowed me to deeply reflect on
sults was enthusiastically welcomed by educators and my teaching practices. Now that I have cracked the TPO,
school managements globally. Promoted and organised I will be perceived as more reliable in my current profes-
by the Bengaluru-based Centre for Teacher Accredita- sional circles and even be considered for newer opportu-
tion (CENTA) Pvt. Ltd (estb.2014), a company that as- nities. While I wish to continue teaching, my focus will
sesses, certifies and trains teachers and school leaders, be on adopting contemporary teaching methods, creat-
the Centa TPO 2021 attracted 35,000 entries from over ing better classroom environments and making mean-
6,000 locations and 8,500 schools and organisations. ingful connections with my students and colleagues.”
While the Prelims were held throughout the year, the
finals were conducted on February 27, 2022. Ivaturi Aditya Satya Bharathi
A total of 137 teachers and five school leaders were High school teacher (biological sciences), Zilla Praja
announced winners across categories including national Parishad High School, Thondavaram
ranks and individual subject ranks. In the teachers’ cat- Teacher: Government school #1
egory, special awards were announced for teachers of
government schools and budget private schools, and n education alumnus
those pursuing a degree in education. Aof Sri Sathya Sai In-
Just like the previous seven editions of the competi- stitute of Higher Learning,
tion, Centa TPO 2021 was supported by distinguished Prashanti Nilayam, Ivaturi
partners that reward the winners – these include Re- Aditya Satya Bharathi has
liance Foundation (cash awards worth Rs 20 lacs), acquired 11 years of teach-
EducationWorld (profiling of winners), The University ing experience at Zilla Pra-
of Buckingham (Certificate of Teaching Excellence + ja Parishad High School,
be part of Action Research Project), Oxford University Thondavaram
Press (online teaching modules), and digital badges and “I am honoured by this
certificates from CENTA. Prizes for institutions with recognition in my very first
the highest number of winners were won by Shiv Nadar attempt. I have always believed that teachers should be
Schools, followed by Takshila Education Society. competent to take tests and set examples for the children
The CENTA TPO is a two-stage online international they teach. CENTA TPO has given me a wonderful op-
competition for teachers. In the prelims for CENTA portunity to know where I stand, what I lack and how to
TPO 2021, teachers were required to answer 50 MCQs improve. During my decade-long career as a high school
in 90 mins and upload two videos that tested their Ap- teacher, I have seen students from rural backgrounds
plied Verbal Communication abilities. Further, candi- struggling to compete with their urban counterparts.
dates took a subjective test and completed a video as- My humble effort has been to keep encouraging them
sessment in the Finals. Candidates prepared for a range to sign up for online tests such as the Vidyarthi Vigyan
of subjects -- 21 tracks ranging from ECE to senior sec- Manthan and Educational Epiphany Merit test etc.”
ondary grades, and a track for School Leaders.
Dr. Radhika Srinivasan
Arnab Choudhury Principal, The Shri Ram Universal School, Palava
English teacher, St. Francis De Sales School, Guwahati School Leader: #1
Subject: English #1
postgraduate in bio-
n alum of Delhi, Jamia A chemistry, environ-
AMillia and Magadh mental science, ecology and
(Bodh Gaya) universities, education who pressed on
Arnab Choudhury acquired to study for her Ph.D. (edu-
close to a decade of teach- cation) from Mumbai Uni-
ing experience at Trinity versity, Dr. Radhika Srini-
Global School, Patna and vasan has acquired close to
St Francis de Sales School, three decades of teaching
Guwahati. and admin experience.
“I am in disbelief, shock “Winning the #1 School