Page 54 - EW February 2023
P. 54

International News

         AUB bouncing back

                central Beirut in August 2020, it wasn’t just the
                estate of Lebanon’s oldest university that was badly
         damaged. The blast — which was caused by vast amounts of
         ammonium nitrate dangerously stored in Beirut’s port and
         killed 215 people — was also a huge blow to staff morale and
         the already precarious finances of the American University
         of Beirut (AUB). Hundreds of international students cut
         their studies short or decided not to come altogether, says
         president Fadlo Khuri. “We lost about 375 students and
         another 600 potential students who might have accepted
         places,” says Prof. Khuri on the disaster that literally shook   AUB vista: positive signs. Inset: Fadlo Khuri
         Lebanon (tremors were felt as far away as Europe).
           “We suffered about $7.5 million (Rs.61 crore) in dam-  There are positive signs that the university can bounce
         age — with the windows of the new glass-fronted teaching   back. “We have recruited 77 new faculty over two years and
         hospital blown in,” recalls the Boston-born, Beirut-raised   seen a significant increase in student recruitment.” Prof.
         cancer doctor. With three of Beirut’s hospitals knocked out   Khuri is upbeat about his institution’s future. “Rankings
         by the blast, the university’s medical centre proved crucial   don’t keep me awake at night — graduate employability
         in treating some of the 6,000 people injured by flying glass   does,  but  thankfully  our  students  measure  up  with  the
         and masonry. “More than 750 people visited our emergency   best under this parameter. Even our humanists are getting
         room in the first few hours, including many of our univer-  snapped up.”
         sity community,” recalls the Yale- and Columbia-educated
         scientist.                                         UNITED KINGDOM
           For many staff, however, the blast proved the final straw.   Study visa restriction danger
         In the face of Lebanon’s financial collapse in 2019, AUB
         had already been forced to slash staff wages “to save the   LONDON-BASED UNIVERSITIES AND post-92
         university”. It was then forced to cut 850 jobs in July 2020   institutions would be hit hardest if a crackdown
         after its revenues crashed by 60 percent in 2020-21, as stu-  on UK international student visas goes ahead. UK
         dents struggled to afford tuition fees. A triple whammy was   is more reliant on international student revenue now than
         completed when it lost donations and scholarships it was   it was the last time there were serious threats to overseas
         expecting when the pandemic hit.                 recruitment, during the prime ministership of Theresa May
           Established  in  1866  by  Protestant  missionaries,  the   (2016-19). In 2020-21, tuition fees from non-European
         private university became a key study destination in the   Union students aggregated about £7 billion (Rs.70,000
         Arab region, with 60 percent of its students from outside   crore) to universities, roughly 17 percent of their total in-
         Lebanon by the mid-1970s, attracted by its US-style liberal   come — up from 16 percent the year before, and 13 percent
         arts teaching model. Things were tough during the civil war   in 2016-17.
         between 1975 and 1990 when professors and presidents   Following the openness of Boris Johnson’s government
         were kidnapped: one president, Malcolm Kerr, an Ameri-  towards international students, his successor Rishi Sunak
         can Middle East scholar, was assassinated on campus by   — and in particular the home secretary, Suella Braverman
         jihadists in 1984. But international students returned in the   — have expressed concern about the impact of education
         1990s, and now account for 22 percent of the institution’s   visas on overall migration figures. But reports suggest that
         8,000 students.                                  any clampdown on recruitment could be targeted, restrict-
           However, with its faculty under financial strain, ambi-  ing international enrolment to ‘elite’ universities only.
         tious universities from nearby oil-rich states have poached   Analysis of Higher Education Statistics Agency figures
         staff. “We’ve raided them — particularly their administra-  indicates that institutions in the Top 200 of the  Times
         tors who are very good and understand the Arab context,” a   Higher Education World University Rankings draw about
         senior leader from a Gulf state institution told THE.  a fifth of their income from international students. Should
           Lebanon needs a top-tier research university more than   ministers decide to reduce international student numbers,
         ever, insists Khuri. “The university has created a sense of   they could follow a pattern they set last year when they in-
         sanity amid Lebanon’s meltdown — we need to be that an-  troduced a visa scheme for graduates of universities in the
         chor institution so that the country can continue to inno-  Top 50 of major global rankings, and restrict enrolment to
         vate, lead and thrive,” he says.                 only that elite group.

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