Page 58 - EW February 2023
P. 58


         Pandemic learning loss

         myths and reality

                                                                             RAJESH KHANNA

            NDIA’S EDUCATION SECTOR EXPERIENCED A tec-    While some learning loss is inevitable
            tonic shift during the pandemic that forced schools and
            higher education institutions (HEIs) to re-think and   because of switch to online teaching-
         Ire-invent the way mainstream education is delivered.   learning, many assumptions about
         During the prolonged lockdown and emergence of new is-
         sues such as social distancing, education institutions across   learning loss suffered by students during
         the country were compelled to switch to the online mode   the pandemic lockdown are exaggerated
         of teaching-learning. While this new pedagogy did serve
         the all-important purpose of faculty-student engagement,
         it has limitations.                              this is easier in conventional classrooms and more difficult
           According to a recent survey conducted by the staffing   in online learning environments. However lately, HEIs use
         and recruitment company TeamLease, students country-  various stratagems to encourage students to work collec-
         wide experienced considerable learning loss. While stu-  tively on group projects and assignments. Instructors are
         dents believe that their loss varied between 40-60 percent   mindful of using holistic approaches to teaching, assigning
         of what they would have learnt if institutional lockdown   projects that focus on the aptitude of learners so that they
         had not happened, HEI leaders estimate it to be at 30-40   learn to work in professional workplaces. Online learning
         percent. Moreover, the sudden shift to online education has   has forced all stakeholders in education to innovate, and
         raised concerns about the quality of online education itself.   that process itself has contributed to improved outcomes.
           While some learning loss is inevitable, many assump-  Online learning is the sole cause of learning loss.
         tions about the extent of learning loss suffered by students   With the sudden forced switch to remote learning, faculty
         during the pandemic lockdown are exaggerated because of   members weren’t able to teach very well despite best efforts.
         several misconceptions. Among them:              Teachers and students had to overcome technology chal-
         Learning  loss  is  same  for  all  students.  The  pan-  lenges, sudden social isolation which created mental health
         demic has undoubtedly affected students at all levels, but   problems and illness. Low-income communities working
         not to the same extent. Indeed, it’s quite likely that some   on the front lines of the pandemic as essential workers ex-
         students improved their learning outcomes because of the   perienced severe damage in terms of sickness and death.
         forced switch to avant garde digital technologies and close   Consequently, it’s unsurprising that students from low-
         supervision of family elders. However, the majority expe-  income and working-class households experienced greatest
         rienced learning loss due to logistical, social and emotional   learning loss. Other contributory factors included reduced
         adversity because of lack of resources, excessive interfer-  fund flows to institutions, pressing demand for improved
         ence from family and above all anxiety generated by the   infrastructure to support distance and blended learning
         pandemic. In my opinion, the prime cause of learning loss   models, and reduced mobility which adversely impacted
         is lack of preparation rather than subject knowledge deliv-  regional and local HEIs.
         ery — deficit of maturity and self-sufficiency, rather than   An unexplored contributory factor to students learning
         changed circumstances forced by the pandemic.    loss is massive decrease of sarcasm and humour during
         Online learning is ineffective. This is the most common   teachers’  interaction  with  classes.  Unfortunately  online
         misconception based on widespread belief that if nobody   learning has banished humour and sarcasm as a learning
         monitors students, learning loss is inevitable. However,   aid as the body language and responses of students can’t be
         it’s important to note that these days best universities and   observed by teachers.
         HEIs encourage academic integrity while lightly monitoring    Now even though the pandemic-induced lockdown of
         students’ progress online. The upside of online learning is   education institutions is a bad memory and most HEIs are
         that it offers flexibility to students, allowing them to learn   back to business as usual, technology continues to play a
         at their own pace and develop deep understanding of their   key role in education. Going forward, education institutions
         subjects. The online learning revolution has taken away the   are likely to adopt a blended learning model, incrementally
         constraints of time and space and improved access to learn-  inducting digital technologies into teaching-learning and
         ing material. Moreover, online learning material is enriched   research. For educators, it’s important to understand that
         by easy integration of multimedia content.       digital and traditional education cannot be segregated into
         Online learning is not cohesive. Progressive, contem-  watertight compartments. They represent a continuum in
         porary universities offer technology platforms allowing stu-  the growth and advancement of the education ecosystem.
         dents to network and engage in peer-to-peer learning which   A judicious blend of the two can benefit teachers, learners
         is becoming increasingly important in the new digital age.   and all stakeholders in education.
         Students can interact with teachers and peers via discussion
         boards, online chats, and videoconferencing. Admittedly   (Prof. Rajesh Khanna is president of NIIT University, Neemrana)

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