Page 40 - EW June 2023
P. 40

Cover Story

         Michigan, an industrial and manufac-
         turing hub of the US. Therefore, they
         have good connect and internship
         programmes with premier companies
         including General Motors, Ford and
         Chrysler based in Detroit. Moreover,
         Michigan is also a defence, research,
         medical and chemical manufactur-
         ing industries hub of the US. So their
         STEM programmes are of excellent
         quality. MCA member colleges which
         are proud of their independent status
         also have strong faith-based traditions
         to provide moral and ethical educa-
         tion and are eager to welcome stu-
         dents from India. Therefore, it would
         serve the public interest in India, if
         there is greater awareness of these   EW’s Bhavin Shah (centre) walkabout on Hope College campus: dramatic impact
         degree awarding hidden gems in the
         US. Fortunately, the editors of Edu-  colleges  are  affiliated  with  ‘parent’   open to all student and faculty teams
         cationWorld were as excited to learn   universities, in the US, colleges and   of member colleges with entries ad-
         and write about these excellent HEIs   universities are independent sylla-  judged by a panel of senior corporates
         which are unknown quantities in In-  bus and curriculum-setting degrees-  and academics with winners awarded
         dia,” says Shah.                 awarding higher education institu-  “significant financial awards”.
         A         LTHOUGH A TIGHT sched-  services to students of member colleg-  cessMCA under which international
                                                                              Moreover, an innovation titled Ac-
                                          tions). MCA provides several common
                                                                           students can enter alliance universi-
                                          es. Among them: it’s a “one-stop shop”
                   ule didn’t permit your
                   editors to make a round
                   of MCA colleges, through   for companies to recruit students for   ties bypassing traditional college ad-
                                          internships, project work, and place
                                                                           missions is likely to interest students
         email and telecom exchanges, we have   graduates in corporates, including   in senior and higher secondary schools
         compiled new information about less   Fortune 500 companies countrywide.   in India. Under this programme stu-
         familiar  member  colleges  of  MCA   Secondly,  it  runs  an  annual  entre-  dents of ‘associate schools’ can begin
         which are eager to roll out the red   preneurial scholarship competition   preparing as early as class IX for entry
         carpet for Indian students and sign
         collaborative twinning and faculty
         and student exchange programmes     Destination America       196,271                   199,182
         with schools and HEIs in India.                                       202,014    193,124
           “Founded in 1949, MCA is the old-  (Indian students in the US)
         est and most prestigious consortium                          186,267
         of private colleges and universities in
         the United States. Our work leverages
         the shared capacity of 14 member in-          165,918
         stitutions which offer career oriented                                                 167,582
         professional majors in almost every
         field of study to promote higher edu-
         cation access and also provide  profes-
         sional career outcomes for students,”      132,888
         says  Dr. Robert Bartlett, Ph D,
         President of MCA.
           However, MCA is not a ceremonial   102,673
         alliance or lobby of its member col-
         leges/universities. (Here it’s impor-      2014-15   2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20  2020-21  2021-22
         tant for Indian readers to note that in   2013-14
         the US, colleges and universities are
         synonymous. Unlike in India where   Source: Open Doors (US State Department)

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