Page 42 - EW June 2023
P. 42
Cover Story
into MCA universities by devoting a
few hours per week to complete cours-
es of the alliance’s online programme.
By signing up (fees: $27,000 payable
in installments starting class IX) and
being mentored and assessed by MCA
college faculty, class XII school-leav-
ers are guaranteed admission into an
MCA institution without having to
write the standard SAT or any other
entrance exam. School students who
complete the AccessMCA course are
directly inducted into the second
(sophomore) year of the four-year
college degree programme of MCA
member institutions on the assump-
tion that they are sufficiently schooled
for admission into the second year.
This results in significant savings in Calvin's President Dr. Wiebe Boer: “1-on-1 support” culture
tuition and particularly residential
accommodation expense in an MCA of favourable faculty-student ratios; government among other vocations,”
college/university. campus safety because of smaller says Bartlett, an alum of Yale, Stetson
“The advantages that MCA member population and secure setting; high and Cornell universities, appointed
colleges offer are that undergraduate emphasis on values-driven education president of MCA in 2008.
courses are taught by senior faculty with ethical leadership embedded in But although member institutions
rather than graduate students as is all curricula; nimble response to em- of the Michigan Colleges Alliance are
the case in larger universities; per- ployer needs, and highly successful committed to a common purpose, viz
sonalised teaching-learning because alumni in business, law, medicine, “building awareness about education-
Subjects America's Indian students prefer
2014-15 10.7 37.5 31.4 20.4
2015-16 10.3 36 34.9 18.8
2016-17 10.4 36.2 35.4 18
2017-18 9.8 35.4 37.5 17.3
2018-19 10.3 34.2 37 18.5
2019-20 10.9 34.2 34.7 20.2
2020-21 11.7 33.5 34.8 20
2021-22 13.3 29.6 36.8 20.3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Business Management Engineering Math / Computer science Others
Source: Open Doors (US State Department)