Page 46 - EW June 2023
P. 46
Cover Story
“MCA is a national leader in higher ed collaboration”
ummiya Yasmeen interviewed institutions are academic rigour —
Dr. Robert Bartlett, Presi- undergraduate courses are taught by
Sdent, Michigan Colleges Alli- senior faculty, rather than gradu-
ance (MCA), over email. Excerpts: ate students, as is the case at large
universities; highly personalised
learning environments and student
What are the aims and objectives for experiences; campus safety; and val-
which the MCA was promoted? ues driven education with ethical and
Founded in 1949, MCA is the oldest leadership emphasis. Moreover, all
and most prestigious consortium of our 14 member colleges are nimble
private colleges and universities in and responsive to employer needs in
the United States. Our work lever- contrast to big government univer-
ages the shared capacity of 14-mem- sities that often grapple with large
ber institutions — 43,000 students bureaucracies.
— offering professional majors in
virtually every field of study, to The general impression is that the Ivy
promote higher education access and league East and West coast universities
professional i.e, career outcomes, for are way ahead in offering digitally-en-
students. abled/advanced education. How well-
equipped are MCA member institutions
How satisfied are you that these aims and guaranteed admission into an MCA to offer the latest digital technologies-
objectives have been attained? institution without having to write enabled higher education?
Very. MCA is a national leader in any entrance exams. Many schools in Almost all high-quality Ameri-
higher education collaboration. Its India have already signed up for this can colleges and universities have
initiatives are emulated by peer or- programme. incorporated technology in teach-
ganisations across the country. ing and research. The Covid pan-
In India, the Ivy league/big universities demic accelerated this considerably.
What are the major current initiatives of tend to hog disproportionate limelight. But However, the level and use of such
MCA? America also hosts several low-profile capability vary greatly, depending on
MCA has pioneered several initia- private universities such as MCA member institutional resources and programs
tives to achieve its core objectives of institutions. What would you say are the of study. MCA institutions are known
promoting higher education access USPs of America’s smaller, low-profile for being cutting-edge in the use of
and connecting students with mean- private institutions? technology, especially — in engi-
ingful careers around the world. MCA campuses represent smaller, neering, computer science, health
They include the Concierge Career nurturing environments that encour- sciences, and related disciplines.
Connection — a collective “one-stop age self-discovery, leadership, ethical
shop” for Fortune 500 corporate values, critical thinking and civic Earlier this year, the Indian government
employers to access MCA’s students engagement. There are about 600 allowed foreign universities to establish
for internships, project work, and colleges and universities in the MCA campuses in India. Is MCA interested in
full-time placement; the Cooperative member classification throughout this opportunity and/or any collaboration
Learning Collaborative — a unique the United States, and MCA institu- agreements with Indian universities?
and robust interdisciplinary student tions are among the best in national MCA would be most interested
internship program with corporate rankings. In addition, many Ameri- in this idea; it’s part of the Ac-
employers that includes direct proj- can corporate and political leaders cessMCA master plan. As a closely
ect management learning experience are graduates of our institutions, aligned collective of universities and
with academic credit; and the Inde- often in combination with graduate colleges, we would approach the
pendent Innovators Network — an degrees from schools of business, opportunity as a single institution,
annual entrepreneurial scholarship law, and Ph D programmes. offering undergraduate and gradu-
competition for MCA student and Defining attributes of MCA ate programmes ranging from liberal
faculty teams with significant finan- arts study to engineering and health
cial awards. sciences.
More recently, we have launched MCA campuses represent
AccessMCA, an innovative online smaller, nurturing environ- What are your future growth and develop-
study program for international ment plans for MCA?
students, allowing them to under- ments that encourage self- MCA will continue to expand entry
take first year university educa- into international student markets
tion without leaving their home discovery, leadership, ethical and deepen connections with For-
countries. Students who complete values, critical thinking... tune 500 and other global companies
the AccessMCA programme are
for student career opportunities.