Page 50 - EW June 2023
P. 50
Cover Story
MCA Member Institutions Quick Facts
No. of No. of international
Estb. No. of programmes Top 3 majors students students
Andrews University 1874 70 Undergrad, 60 postgrad Biology, Nursing/Engineering 5,000 1,600 (30 from India)
Calvin University 1876 100 Business, Engineering, Education 3,200 400 (20 from India)
University of Detroit Mercy 1877 100 Pre-health, Science, Nursing, Architecture 5,360 658 (57 from India)
Alma College 1886 45 Undergrad, 2 postgrad Pre-health Professions/ Sciences, Education,
Business 1,245 43 (3 from India)
Madonna University 1937 100 Undergrad, 30+ postgrad Nursing, Business Administration, Criminal Justice 2,779 150
Olivet College 1844 NA Business Administration, Criminal Justice,
Exercise Science 1,029 4
Siena Heights University 1919 58 Undergrad, 7 postgrad Business, Nursing, Biology 2,056 42
Adrian College 1859 NA Business, Exercise Science, Biology 1,950 NA
Albion College 1835 100 Undergrad Economics & Management, Biology, Psychology 1,499 35
Aquinas College 1981 61 Undergrad, 4 postgrad Buisness, Education, Sciences 1,519 NA
Hillsdale College 1844 35 Undegrad, 3 postgrad Economics, History, English 1,675 22
Hope College 1851 90 Business, Education, Psychology 3,200 79 (1 from India)
Kalamazoo College 1833 41 UG Biology. Psychology, Business 1,275 71
Spring Arbor University 1873 52 Undergrad, 19 postgrad Psychology, Business Administration, Social Work 2,765 21
Source: MCA Online Viewbook/ EW compilation
India savvy American education- oti Gupta, Director-Principal of the
ists who are aware of the long val- well-ranked K.R. Mangalam World
ues-based individualised teaching- School, GK II, Delhi and founder of
learning experience of MCA colleges/ DPS, Sahibabad, is equally convinced
universities, discern a good match and has signed up both these schools
with upscale senior and higher sec- for the AccessMCA Associate Schools
ondary schools in India. programme. “As a K-12 educator for
“There are several reasons why the past several years, I have been
strategic alliances between high- deeply involved in counseling Plus
ranked schools in India and MCA Two students about higher education
member institutions make sense. options and career pathways. My
First, these are private institutions learning from this experience is that
whose mission is to enable students to the admission application process of
fully realise their potential. And while Indian and especially foreign univer-
they do conduct research, teaching Dr. Jyoti Gupta Sheila Bauer sities is cumbersome with entrance
rather than faculty research is their tests, forms filling, etc. Also, there’s
primary focus. Secondly, MCA is an AccessMCA partnership a tendency among foreign education
alliance of like-minded institutions. consultants to promote mid and big-
Innovatively, it has designed the Ac- success of their graduates. Schools size universities in the US. In all this,
cessMCA Associate Schools pro- committed to the best for their stu- very often students don’t get the uni-
gramme to develop similar alliances dents should want to send them to col- versity of their choice and/or make
with schools in India. The goal is to leges and universities that share that sub-optimal choices. When I learnt
work collaboratively with associate commitment,” says Dr. Raymond of the Michigan Colleges Alliance
schools to raise standards of educa- Ravaglia, former Associate Dean and its 14 independent institutions
tion globally. Lastly, these colleges and Director of Pre-Collegiate Studies — some of which I visited in April — I
and universities will deliver the best at the blue-chip Stanford University was very impressed and signed up KR
results to students. MCA institutions and co-founder of the Stanford Online Mangalam as an AccessMCA Associ-
are renowned for their students gain- High School. Currently, Ravaglia who ate School. The AccessMCA online
ing admission to top graduate pro- visited India in 2016, is Chief Learning programme offers an excellent path-
grams and for landing good positions Officer at the US-based Opportunity way for admission to our students
in industry. They understand that Education Foundation. who have the option of completing
their success is dependent upon the A more hands-on educator, Dr. Jy- it over two-three years starting from