Page 47 - EW June 2023
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teacher-student ratio which ensures
that our faculty really get to know
students on a 1-on-1 level that really
makes a difference. In the case of our
dual major in business administration
and sports management, students are
set up for success after graduation
with a wide range of knowledge and
skills. The connections we have with
the three local professional teams
and the West Michigan Sports Com-
mission allow students to explore a
number of sports related opportuni-
ties right here within the community,”
says Dr. Duane Ambrose, an alum
of Western Michigan University and
United States Sports Academy, and
Director of the college’s Sports Man-
agement Program. Hope College's Matthew Scogin (rear right): undergrad research powerhouse
S IGNIFICANTLY Ambrose as a “classical liberal arts college” re-
is very receptive to the
idea of collaborating with
classical liberal arts core curriculum in
recognized for providing outstand-
universities in India to of only 62 colleges and universities quiring all undergraduates to study “a
introduce advanced sports manage- ing undergraduate research/creative addition to their major field of study”.
ment programmes as also to intro- project opportunities, counted ahead Moreover uniquely, it runs a widely
duce cricket to Michigan in partner- of Cornell and among universities like acclaimed K-12 outreach programme
ship with EducationWorld. “Because Yale, Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Princ- under which it provides curriculum
cricket is now the second largest sport eton, Amherst and Wooster,” says support and teaching training to affili-
in the world, the possibilities of true Matthew Scogin, President of Hope ated schools to propagate its classical
partnerships exist,” says Ambrose. College (estb.1866) which has 3,200 education philosophy.
Although the majority of the Michi- students from 29 countries and offers “At Hillsdale, our understanding of
gan Colleges Alliance member univer- a faculty-student ratio of 1:11. a classical education curriculum is to
sities are undergrad teaching institu- And it’s a measure of the academic teach the whole child, to help students
tions which pride themselves upon diversity of MCA member institutions understand the world, and to prepare
their low teacher-student ratios and that Hillsdale College (estb.1844) young people for a life of service and
individual attention including pasto- has built itself a formidable reputation success. Hillsdale College’s outreach in
ral care services, their specialisations Hillsdale's O'Toole: K-12 outreach K-12 education is a natural extension
span a wide breadth. of our educational mission. In working
For instance, Hope College which with local founding groups across the
offers 91 majors spanning arts, sci- US, we are committed to helping K-12
ence, commerce, engineering and schools deliver an education that is
pre-professional programmes with both classical and American in its ori-
wide flexibility to students to combine entation. The Hillsdale College K-12
subjects of their choice, has built itself Education Office does this by offering
an excellent reputation for encourag- curriculum support, teacher training,
ing undergrad research programmes, and school leader guidance to dozens
especially in STEM subjects. of affiliated schools,” says Dr. Kath-
“Hope College is a research pow- leen O’Toole, Assistant Provost for
erhouse. Students of all disciplines K-12 Education. Currently, Hillsdale
deeply explore their interests with has 1,570 undergraduate and 105
help from expert faculty members graduate students mentored by 157
and millions of dollars of funding full-time faculty on its musters, and
each year. Hope is ranked #22 by operates “independently of any gov-
U.S News & World Report and is one ernment funding”.