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Education News

         to EducationWorld, on condition of anonymity.       THEY SAID IT
           Quite obviously advocacy of the public interest can be
         — and often is — driven by self-interest.           “There are an increasing number of keyboard
                                   Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)  warriors who say things in exercise of their
                                                             freedom of speech to just gain traction and to
           WEST BENGAL                                       stay relevant in public... What should India do
         Scams-immune CM                                     to curb it? The method opted by the state must

                                                             be covered within the fold of the restrictions.
               ot on the heels of the massive outrage provoked   It must not have the effect of chilling free
               by the rape and murder of a junior doctor at the   speech. A balance must be drawn to ensure
         Hgovernment-run RG Kar Hospital in Kolkata, which   that the means adopted are proportionate to
         exposed severe malpractices in the state’s medical educa-  the infringement of the right.”
         tion system, and a scam in which public money meant for   Former chief justice DY Chandrachud on hate speech
         students to purchase digital tablets was allegedly siphoned   (November 11, Times of India)
         off, a Calcutta high court judgement on irregularities in the
         admission processes of the state’s 620 B.Ed teacher training
         colleges has raised further doubt about the governance ca-  “Indian citizens lost Rs.120 crore to ‘digital ar-
         pabilities of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government of   rest’ scams just in the first four months of the
         West Bengal. In a PIL (public interest litigation) case (Na-  year; the losses from the entire range of cyber
         sim Akter vs. State of West Bengal and Ors), the petitioner   crimes — from ‘digital arrests’, sextortion, OTP
         has accused Babasaheb Ambedkar Education University   scams to investment scams — were a stagger-
         (BAEU, estb.2015) of multiple irregularities in the admis-  ing Rs.1,776 crore.”
         sion process of B.Ed courses of affiliated colleges. BAEU, the   India Today cover story titled ‘Beware of the new big
         first university set up by any state government exclusively   con’ (December 2)
         for teacher training countrywide, offers B.Ed courses in 200
         affiliated colleges across West Bengal.
           Alleged irregularities include non-compliance with   “We are committed to providing school educa-
         NCTE (National Council for Teacher Education) guidelines   tion to every section of the society in accor-
         relating to basic infrastructure and operational standards,   dance with the National Education Policy. In
         extortion by middlemen acting in collusion with college au-  this regard, our government has approved 28
         thorities to facilitate admission of unqualified students, and   new Navodaya Vidyalayas across the country.
         lack of transparency and accountability as many colleges   This will expand residential and quality school
         have not renewed affiliation.
           On November 8, a two-judge bench of Chief Justice T.S.   education on a large scale.”
         Sivagnanam and Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharya under-  PM Narendra Modi on X (December 7)
         scored the seriousness of the charges, noting that recur-
         ring scams and scandals in Bengal’s teacher recruitment   “Air pollution is not an issue only for Delhi. It’s
         processes could drive                               a matter of national emergency. The other big
         youth out of the state
         in search of fair and                               myth is that people believe pollution happens
         transparent education                               mostly in winters. We are breathing bad air
         and employment. The                                 365 days around the country, and the air qual-
         bench expressed ex-                                 ity is declining every year.”
         asperation with wide-                               Dr. Harsh Vardhan Puri, lung transplant surgeon,
         spread administrative                               Medanta the Medicity, Gurugram (Mint, December 7)
         neglect and corruption
         charges, noting that the
         latest charges against                              “Indian school education is in quite a terrible
         teacher training col-    Mamata Banerjee            state. Research studies have revealed high ab-
         leges raise disturbing                              senteeism, and barely half the teachers were
         questions about oversight failures and exploitation in the   teaching at the the time of surveys.”
         education sector. The court granted two weeks to the state   Swaminathan A. Aiyar, economist and columnist, in an
         government and BAEU to file affidavits detailing their re-  essay ‘Big learning gaps but bright spots emerge’
         sponses and evidence related to the case.           (Times of India, December 8)

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