Page 20 - EW April 2023
P. 20

Education News

         of Education Report) is reporting                                 the employment of these teachers
         severely deflated learning outcomes                               will be endangered.”
         in rural primaries countrywide, has                                        Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)
         been welcomed by educationists
         statewide.                                                         KARNATAKA
           However, the highlight of the
         budget session of the legislative                                 Assessment & exams
         assembly was the government’s
         announcement that all schools                                     confusion
         hitherto functioning under various
         departments such as Adi Dravidar                                        fter a three-month legal dra-
         and Tribal Welfare, Backward Class,                                     ma which went right up to the
         Most Backward Class and Denotified                                ASupreme Court, the Karna-
         Communities, the Hindu Religious                                  taka Secondary Examination and As-
         and Charitable Endowments and the                                 sessment Board (KSEAB) commenced
         forest department will be brought                                 ‘annual assessments’ on March 27 for
         under the supervision of the educa-                               1.9 million class V and VIII students
         tion ministry’s Department of School   Thiaga Rajan: QEFA objective  in  56,157  KSEAB-affiliated  schools
         Education & Literacy.                                             statewide.
            “The objective is to achieve the   Welfare departments.          Since December 13 last year, when
         goal of social justice in the field of   “All these special schools are   the state’s education ministry issued
         education, to improve the quality of   established near the dwelling places   a circular announcing “annual assess-
         schools functioning under various   of these communities. If the schools   ments” in March for all class V and VIII
         departments, and to ensure that all   are closed and merged with other   students of state board schools, there’s
         students are provided with quality   schools, will children get easy access?   been controversy and uncertainty over
         education,” said finance minister   And since most of these children are   this proposal. Despite the circular de-
         Palanivel Thiaga Rajan in his    first generation learners, will they   claring the purpose of the ‘assessment’
         budget speech. Moreover, the minis-  benefit from equal treatment? More-  is to “derive measurable learning out-
         ter added that the service conditions   over, government schools themselves   comes” of children and emphasising
         and benefits of teachers and staff,   don’t have sufficient number of   that no child will be failed/detained,
         presently working in these schools   teachers. In July last year, 39,000   parents and schools associations have
         will be protected.               government schools had vacancies   equated it with exams and opposed it,
               ccording to government     for 13,000 teachers. All this will ad-  citing inadequate time for students to
               insiders, this clustering of all   versely impact the teaching-learning   prepare and therefore causing stress
         Aschools hitherto operated by    process for tribal children,” says   to young children.
         various bodies is the outcome of re-  Prince Gajendra Babu, general   On the other hand, education of-
         quests to the government to operate   secretary of the State Platform for   ficials insist that assessing children’s
         and maintain Adi Dravidar Welfare   Common School System, Tamil   learning outcomes periodically is in
         Schools (which serve children of   Nadu.                          line with recommendations made in
         8 million tribals across the state)    Adds M. Nagarajan, general   the National Education Policy (NEP)
         under the school education depart-  secretary, Madurai Kamaraj, Manon-  2020.  Moreover,  the  circular  high-
         ment.                            maniam Sundaranar, Mother Teresa,   lighted that s.16 of the landmark Right
            Although this initiative will result   and Alagappa University Teachers’   of Children to Free and Compulsory
         in tighter management and egalitar-  Association: “By bringing schools   Education  (RTE)  Act  2009,  which
         ian education for tribal children,   run by various departments under   initially prohibited examinations and
         some educationists believe it will be   one umbrella, the purpose of estab-  mandated compulsory yearly promo-
         detrimental to students as well as   lishing those schools to provide ap-  tion of classes I-VIII children, was
         teachers of such schools. Currently,   propriate differentiated learning will   amended by the BJP government at
         1.2 lakh students are enrolled in   be defeated. Even the recruitment   the Centre in 2019 to allow exams and
         1,466 Adi Dravidar schools across   process of teachers will be adversely   detention of students who fail twice.
         the state. In addition, nearly 30,000   affected. The Kallar Reclamation   However they stress that no student
         students are enrolled in 300 Kal-  Schools established by the British in   will be detained following assessment.
         lar Reclamation Schools run by   1921 gave priority to teachers belong-  In January, the Registered Unaided
         Backward Classes, Most Backward   ing to the most backward Kallar   Private Schools Association (RUPSA),
         Classes and Denotified Communities   community. By merging the schools   which  has  13,000  member  schools,

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