Page 24 - EW April 2023
P. 24

Education Notes

           ASSAM                  and XII board exam top-  Finland for training, from   The accused teacher
         Question paper           pers were conferred cash   52 to 87 to ensure equal   Bikram Singh, created a
         leakage row              rewards up to Rs.3 lakh, a   representation of primary   ruckus when confronted
                                  laptop and mobile phone.  in-charges from all 29   by angry villagers, said
         Guwahati, march 14.        Addressing a media    administrative zones of the   Devinder Kotwal, Gajoth
         Twenty-two people includ-  conference, the chief   education department.”  Panchayat leader. Several
         ing teachers and students   minister said: “Even if a                     bottles of alcohol were also
         have been detained for   student from Bihar, Uttar    MADHYA PRADESH      recovered from him. “The
         questioning about leakage   Pradesh or any other part   Molestation charges   teacher is an alcoholic
         of a general science ques-  of the country tops from                      and needs to be dealt with
         tion paper of the class X   any Jharkhand school,   against teachers      sternly to safeguard the
         state board examination   he/she will be rewarded   Dindori, march 8.  The   future of students,” Kotwal
         which led to cancellation   by the state government.   state government issued   added.
         of the exam.             We want to lessen the   a transfer order to Sanjay   Police have taken
           Addressing media per-  initial financial burden of   Singh, Superintendent of   cognizance of the matter
         sonnel, education minis-  the families of meritori-  Police (SP), for “poorly   after receiving a written
         ter Ranoj Pegu, however   ous students after board   handling” a molestation   complaint from villagers,
         denied the involvement of   examinations, so that they   case of girl students in   said additional deputy
         any teachers. “There is no   pursue higher education.”  a district school run by   commissioner Bhaderwah
         question of involvement of                       Jabalpur Diocesan Educa-  Dilmir Chowdhury.
         teachers. The papers are    DELHI                tion Society (JDES) of the
         kept at police stations and   Finland teacher    Roman Catholic commu-      GUJARAT
         taken to examination cen-                        nity.                    GIFT City’s Deakin
         tres only on the morning   training                 A caretaker nun, prin-
         of the test day,” he said.  New delhi, march 4.  After   cipal and guest teacher of   campus
           Added Gyanendra        several disputes with   the school were booked   Ahmedabad, march 3.  In a
         Pratap Singh, Director   Delhi’s AAP government in   on charges of assaulting   first-of-its-type initiative,
         General of Police: “The As-  the past, Lt. Governor VK   and molesting several girl   the International Financial
         sam Police has registered   Saxena approved the gov-  children. The caretaker   Services Centre Authority
         a criminal case and the   ernment’s new proposal   was booked for overlook-  (IFSCA) has granted ap-
         Crime Investigation De-  to send primary teach-  ing complaints of the girls,   proval to Deakin Univer-
         partment has been given   ers of state-run schools   while the nun was charged   sity, Australia to establish
         charge of the investiga-  to Finland for training.   with beating them. Action   a campus in GIFT (Gujarat
         tion.”                   While granting approval,   was initiated only after   International Finance Tec)
                                  Saxena noted the AAP    officials of the Madhya   City, said Injeti Srinivas,
           JHARKHAND              government’s refusal to   Pradesh Child Protection   chairperson of IFSCA.
         Special rewards          bring “impact assessment   Department visited the   Addressing a press
         scheme                   of the foreign training   school.                conference, Srinivas said:
                                  programmes conducted in

                                                                                   “Deakin is the first foreign
         Ranchi, march 27.  Chief   the past, on record,” said    J&K              university that will set up
         minister Hemant Soren    an official from the LG’s   Inebriated teacher   its own campus in India.
         introduced a special re-  office.                                         We are in talks with an-
         wards scheme for a cohort   Addressing a press con-  booked               other Australian university
         of 68 class X and class XII   ference, the official said:   Bhaderwah/jammu, march   and a UK-based university
         rank holders across all   “Lt. Governor VK Saxena   12. Residents of a village in   that are keen to set up
         exam boards (Jharkhand   has approved the educa-  Doda district locked down   campuses here in GIFT
         Academic Council, CBSE   tion ministry’s proposal   a government primary   City. This is a major devel-
         and CISCE) and toppers of   for training of primary   school after a teacher was   opment as the university
         the Jharkhand Olympiad.   school in-charges in Fin-  found in inebriated condi-  will offer the same courses
         A total sum of Rs.1.32   land. Taking the approach   tion during working hours.   as they are offering in
         crore, laptops and mobile   of equitable benefit for   A video of the incident   Australia at a fraction of
         phones were distributed   all, the LG has increased   went viral on social media,   the price.”
         at a specially organised   the number of primary   prompting authorities to
         awards ceremony.         in-charges (headmasters)   initiate an inquiry against   Paromita Sengupta with
           The first three class X   who were to proceed to   the teacher.                      bureau inputs

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