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         ChatGPT can reshape

         children's learning

                                                                               SHIVAM DUTTA

            T’S NO LONGER A SECRET THAT ARTIFICIAL intel-  Education has already undergone a
            ligence (AI) is taking over every aspect of human exis-
            tence. It is making huge strides in finance, healthcare,   remarkable transformation with the
         Itransportation and education. Once limited to fiction   advent of the internet, but the integration
         movies, this new-age technology is being used to develop
         intelligent systems that can function with little or no human   of AI-powered chatbots such as ChatGPT
         intervention. Education has already undergone a remark-  has revolutionised teaching-learning
         able transformation with the advent of the internet, but the
         integration of AI-powered chatbots such as ChatGPT has
         revolutionised teaching-learning.                Technology fluency. Navigating the digital age. In
           Moreover, the integration of AI-powered, ChatGPT-  the contemporary jobs market, technical fluency is of prime
         infused content into curriculums has numerous benefits,   importance. AI-powered educational content exposes stu-
         ushering in a new era of personalised, engaging, and ac-  dents to cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence
         cessible learning experiences. Let’s discuss some benefits   applications, making them tech-savvy and comfortable with
         of using ChatGPT in school curriculums.          digital tools. This fluency enhances their competitiveness
         Personalised learning. Tailoring education to in-  and adaptability in various career paths.
         dividual needs. One of the prime advantages of incorpo-  Problem-solving and critical thinking. Building
         rating AI-powered ChatGPT into education is personalised   essential skills. AI-infused content stimulates critical
         learning experiences. By analysing every student’s progress   thinking and problem-solving skills, essential attributes in
         and learning style, this technology can deliver content and   modern-day careers. Students are encouraged to analyse
         feedback tailored to every student’s unique needs and learn-  information, make data-informed decisions, and find in-
         ing capabilities. This personalisation empowers students to   novative solutions — skillsets highly transferable to diverse
         learn at their own pace, and teachers intervene to address   professional landscapes.
         specific weaknesses.                             Lifelong learning mindset. Adapting to change. One
         Enhanced  engagement.  Fostering motivation      of the most invaluable benefits is cultivation of lifelong
         through interactivity. ChatGPT’s capability to create   learning mindsets. AI-powered tools instill understanding
         interactive and engaging educational content contributes   that learning extends beyond graduation. Embracing con-
         significantly to increased student motivation and inter-  tinuous knowledge and skill updates becomes essential to
         est. From quizzes and interactive lessons to simulations,   remaining relevant in the contemporary dynamic jobs mar-
         the dynamic and immersive nature of this tool captivates   ket, enabling adaptability and a growth-oriented mindset.
         students, leading to better retention and understanding of   While ChatGPT represents a remarkable advancement
         subject matter.                                  in natural language processing, its downside is that it can
         24/7 accessibility.  Learning  anytime,  anywhere.   perpetuate biases and misinformation. As an algorithmic
         AI-powered educational content breaks down the barriers   creation, it can be used to reinforce existing societal preju-
         of traditional learning environments. With 24/7 accessibil-  dices encoded in the data it is fed. Additionally, the model’s
         ity, students can engage with the study material at their   lack of a built-in truth filter poses a risk of disseminating
         convenience, whether in the classroom, at home, or on the   misinformation. Therefore, it’s imperative for educators to
         go. This flexibility promotes lifelong learning and widens   devise rigorous guidelines for dataset curation.
         accessibility for diverse student populations, promoting the   Responsible deployment of ChatGPT also requires con-
         culture of continuous education.                 tinuous monitoring and refining of its training data to pre-
         Data-driven insights. Informed decision-making   vent plagiarisation and cheating. Collaboration between
         for educators. The integration of AI enables the collec-  technologists, ethicists, and diverse communities is essen-
         tion and analysis of data on students’ learning styles and   tial to ensure that AI serves humanity ethically. Integrating
         outcomes. Educators can leverage these insights to identify   user feedback mechanisms and transparency in decision-
         areas for improvement, adjust pedagogy, and make data-  making processes can empower users to identify and rectify
         informed decisions to enhance and refine the curriculum.  cheating and misinformation.
         Virtual tutors. Round-the-clock support.  While     Nevertheless, by embracing the power and positive po-
         virtual classrooms have become mainstream in the edu-  tential of AI, we can lead children towards a future where
         cation sector, assimilation of AI is making the concept of   education will become a lifelong journey of growth and ad-
         virtual tutors a reality. AI-powered chatbots are changing   aptation in a constantly changing world.
         how learners engage with online courses, promoting self-
         directed learning, personalised experiences, instant feed-  (Shivam Dutta is promoter-CEO of Alma Better, a Bengaluru-based AI and
         back, and round-the-clock support.               data science company)

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