Page 78 - EW Jan 2024_Neat
P. 78

Special Report

         India unless either their salaries are
         matched or exceeded. This makes run-
         ning campuses in India with the same
         “standard” prohibitively expensive,”
         says Mehta, former vice chancellor of
         the top-ranked private Ashoka Uni-
         versity, Sonipat, who resigned in 2021
         after it became “abundantly clear” to
         him that his forthright public essays
         had become a “political liability” for
         the institution.
           Moreover, there’s the question of
         “regulatory trust,” says Mehta in his
         weekly long form op-ed essay (Janu-
         ary 9, 2023) in the  Indian Express
         written before the UGC regulations
         were notified. More pertinently, Meh-
         ta highlights that the reason almost   Bhanu Mehta: freedom prerequisite  Raj Kumar: collaboration alternative
         none of the top Ivy League institutions
         such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton   financial assistance. For instance,   dinary opportunities for students and
         have branch campuses abroad is be-  New York University’s branch campus   faculty in India to engage with leading
         cause the “economics and the struc-  in Dubai is entirely financed by the   universities of the world. The capital-
         tural form of a top research university   UAE government. Therefore, UGC’s   intensive campuses investment model
         makes it difficult to reproduce them.”    presumption that foreign universities   envisaged by UGC will not work in In-
         R         ECENT RESEARCH OF      instead of incentives offers a plethora   er education highly inaccessible and
                                          are waiting to gatecrash India, which
                                                                           dia and runs the risk of making high-
                                                                           non-inclusive,” Dr. Raj Kumar, a poly-
                   the Oxford (UK)-based
                                          of regulations  and  code  of  conduct
                   tion Research Team (C-  rules, is likely to prove wishful think-  math alum of Madras, Delhi, Oxford
                                                                           and Harvard universities and founder
         BERT) reveals that as of March, 2023,   “Universities around the world   VC of JGU told EducationWorld (De-
         83 countries have “imported” FHEIs   function as autonomous institutions   cember 2023).
         (333 campuses overall), of which the   with minimal interference from gov-  However, spokespersons of Dea-
         largest  number  are  in  China  (47),   ernments. These days, the onus is on   kin University, Australia — the first
         UAE (30), Singapore (16), Malaysia   host countries to create attractive and   foreign  university to establish a
         (15) and Qatar (11). In China, barring   enabling ecosystems for world-class   campus in the Gujarat International
         NYU  Shanghai,  none  of  the  foreign   universities to set up campuses in   Finance Tec-City (GIFT City) — are
         university campuses is of top-ranked   their countries. In some cases, host   “confident about the execution and
         universities.  They are either joint   countries provide  land  and  funding   delivery of the GIFT City campus and
         centres (such as Tsinghua-UC Berke-  to foreign varsities,” says Dr. C. Raj   the success of making international
         ley Shenzhen Institute, University of   Kumar, vice chancellor of the private   standards of education delivery pos-
         Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-  top-ranked O.P. Jindal Global Univer-  sible for students.” While declining
         versity Joint Institute) or universities   sity (JGU), Sonipat (Haryana).  to comment on the UGC Regulations
         set up in collaboration with existing   According to Prof. Raj Kumar,   2023, Ravneet Pawha, Vice Presi-
         Chinese universities (for example,   rather than establishing bricks-n-  dent (Global Alliances) and CEO, Dea-
         Duke-Kunshan University). Ditto in   mortar campuses the current trend   kin University (South Asia), says that
         Malaysia, not one foreign university   is for globally top-ranked universities   “Deakin’s India campus is first and
         is ranked among the global Top 100   to contract international collaboration   foremost a momentous achievement
         universities (see box p. 82). Signifi-  agreements for student and faculty ex-  of bilateral knowledge collaboration
         cantly, the majority receive some form   change and joint degree and research   between Australia and India”.
         of subsidy from the host government.  programmes. “My humble suggestion   Pawha is unfazed by the latest UGC
           Indeed, countries such as the   is that we should focus on how Indian   regulations and code of conduct fir-
         United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qa-  universities can collaborate with lead-  man. “Deakin University was the first
         tar not only provide liberal regulatory   ing international universities. This   foreign university to set up opera-
         environments for foreign universities   will not only help us to fulfil the vision   tions in India way back in 1994 and
         but also land grants, tax breaks, and   of NEP 2020, but also create extraor-  over the past three decades, we have

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