Page 88 - EW Jan 2024_Neat
P. 88
Special Report
at the Azim Premji University, Ben- “The BJP government’s decision to
galuru (estb.2010), ranked India’s #1 allow foreign universities to establish
private university for social sciences in physical campuses in India is a good
the EW India Higher Education Rank- start and indicative of its intent to lib-
ings 2022-2023, told EducationWorld eralise the higher education sector.
(February 2023) after the draft UGC However, the UGC Regulations are
regulations for the entry of foreign not very encouraging. Most foreign
universities were released for public universities and top-tier institutions in
comment. particular will wait and watch before
T HIS ISOLATIONIST mind- campuses. They will most likely sign
risking investment in capital-intensive
set is pervasive in gov-
asset light collaboration agreements
ernment and educracy as
and export intellectual property,”
indicated by the wide dis- with domestic Indian edupreneurs
cretionary regulatory powers UGC has says Atul Thakkar, Mumbai-based
conferred upon itself to monitor and Director of Anand Rathi Investment
regulate FHEI campuses in India. “I Thakkar: red tape apprehension Banking and head of its education,
am not surprised that only two foreign education allied services and technol-
universities have stepped forward to education. Over the past quinquen- ogy sector.
set up campuses in India — that too nium, several globally respected for- Thakkar believes the success of the
in GIFT City, which is a special eco- eign school brands including Harrow, government’s foreign universities in
nomic zone providing special conces- Wellington, and Shrewsbury — all India initiative will depend on its will
sions to foreign investors. The plain based in the UK — have entered into to liberate Indian higher education.
truth is that our higher education sys- partnerships with experienced local “The onus is on government to create
tem is over-controlled by government. education groups who provide land, a facilitative environment for foreign
Even the country’s showpiece IITs and buildings and infrastructure. universities to operate in India. Not
IIMs have hardly any autonomy. For Last September, Harrow School just for foreign universities, the gov-
example, if an IIT wants to purchase (estb.1572) inaugurated its first In- ernment needs to deregulate higher
lab equipment valued at Rs.10 lakh, dia co-ed day-cum-boarding campus education for Indian edupreneurs.
it has to wait 11 months for ministry in Bengaluru in partnership with the There is no shortage of domestic edu-
approval. A foreign university is un- Amity Group. Likewise, Wellington preneurs ready and willing to invest in
likely to risk its money or reputation College, another venerable British this sector provided it’s freed from red
in such an uncertain and discretion- boarding school (estb.1853), inaugu- tape. Indian edupreneurs are capable
ary regulatory environment. Moreover rated a day-cum-boarding campus in of setting up world-class universities
why can’t all the freedoms promised Pune on September 14, in partner- on a par with the best globally,” adds
to foreign universities to design their ship with the Dehradun-based Uni- Thakkar.
syllabuses and curriculums, and de- son Group. The preferred partnership Against the backdrop of the half-
termine tuition fees also be granted to model is for the Indian partner to es- hearted UGC rules and regulations
Indian public and private universities, tablish the campus and secure all reg- inviting FHEIs to establish back-home
to create a level playing field?” queries ulatory clearances, while the foreign style campuses in India, the silver lin-
a former IIT professor who preferred partner contributes the brand name ing is NEP 2020 which unambiguous-
to remain anonymous. and intellectual capital. The general ly encourages internationalisation of
With the new UGC regulations expectation is that foreign universities higher education and mandates gov-
for FHEI entry into India imposing will take a similar minimal investment ernment to facilitate foreign universi-
a plethora of rules, regulations and route to enter India. ties to establish campuses in India and
code of conduct upon them, few if vice versa. Even modest success of this
any, are likely to replicate the sprawl- Success of this initiative foreign universities initiative requires
ing capital-intensive campuses of back UGC to loosen its regulatory grip and
home in India. The preferred route of requires UGC to loosen its create inviting ground conditions to
entry is likely to be through privileged regulatory grip and create attract the world’s best foreign uni-
economic zones such as GIFT City or versities. For foreign, especially An-
by way of partnerships with local uni- inviting ground conditions glosphere universities, institutional
versities/edupreneurs to export intel- to attract the world’s best autonomy is a live and serious issue.
lectual property and know-how. This foreign universities India’s ubiquitous educracy needs to
model is already working well in K-12 learn to respect this concept●