Page 92 - EW Jan 2024_Neat
P. 92
“Since business has gone global, B-schools should go global”
munication technologies). Do you believe
business management gradu-
that SPJSGM has a technology edge over
ate of Cornell University,
A USA, Nitish Jain is Founder- India’s top-ranked B-schools?
President, SP Jain School of Global We have one of the world’s best tech-
Management, which has an aggre- nologies for our Engaged Learning
gate enrolment of 2,668 students Online (ELO) program that mimics
mentored by 202 faculty spread a classroom in the comfort of your
across five countries. home. As the name suggests, that
experience is quite different from
SP Jain School of Global Management the uninspiring technology usually
(SPJSGM) is unique among all Indian used for online education. We have
B-schools by virtue of having established also innovated our Engaged Learn-
campuses in five countries — UAE, Aus- ing Classroom (ELC) so students can
tralia, Singapore, Mumbai and recently in interact in real time with faculty. We
London. What are the aims and objectives strongly believe that technology will
of this multinational B-school? be the big differentiator in higher
SPJSGM was founded in 2004 on education in years to come.
the simple philosophy that since
business had gone global, B-schools grandfather, who was the patron of One doesn’t hear much about SPJSGM’s
should also provide global education. SPJIMR through donation of an en- industry placements record in the Indian
In our multi-city model, students are dowment upon the Bharatiya Vidya media. How satisfied are you with it?
exposed to multiple regions and they Bhavan, which promoted SPJIMR. SPJSGM’s 2023 placements are
learn about eastern, middle eastern They named it after him, to hon- testament to its global reputation.
and western business practices and our him. Moreover, there are other An impressive 50 percent of our
cultures. Modern companies need education institutes named after graduates receive placement offers
talent that is culturally agile and can him including an arts and commerce from companies based in South
work in global teams. college in Gujarat, and a school for Asia and Middle East countries. The
children with special needs in Mum- remaining 50 percent are placed in
Twenty years later, how satisfied are you bai. The SP Jain School of Global top-ranked Indian multinationals.
with the progress of SPJSGM? Management is a trademark that we Converting start-up remuneration to
We judge our success by the success own with its own unique logo and Indian rupees, our MBAs averaged
of our alumni. They work for the identity. It’s analogous to the distinc- Rs.39.70 lakh per year with our best
best companies worldwide including tions between IIM-Ahmedabad and student being offered a starting an-
Apple, McKinsey, BCG, Microsoft, IIM-Bangalore or IIT-Kharagpur nual package of Rs.67.93 lakh. This
Google, Meta, Uber among others. and IIT-Kanpur. Those who require places SPJSGM in the top-tier of
Our high ranking in Bloomberg, clarity on this distinction are already B-schools worldwide.
Businessweek, Times Higher Educa- aware of this.
tion, Wall Street Journal, Forbes How optimistic are you about India’s GDP
and Financial Times B-school Presumably the majority of SPJSGM rising from the current $3.7 trillion to $30
league tables are based on the career students are from India or of Indian origin. trillion by 2047?
progression and salary growth of What is the advantage they derive from It is difficult to put a dollar amount
our alumni. Notably, SP Jain Lon- SPJSGM education/certification? to GDP as there are many impon-
don School of Management is the Yes, a significant proportion of derables including exchange rates,
first Indian-origin business school our students are from India. This price of energy, and climate change
authorised to grant UK degrees. Our is a testament to the appeal of our variables. However, it’s certain that
recently launched London campus at multi-city model. SP Jain Global of- India will remain one of the world’s
Canary Wharf offers undergraduate fers students a world-class business fastest growing large economies.
and postgrad MBA programs, testi- management education experience This optimism is warranted, given
mony to our commitment to provid- that not only leverages our global India’s potential, particularly in
ing globally relevant contemporary model but students also derive the leveraging one of its most significant
business management education. benefit of international faculty from assets — our working age popula-
20 countries, and our razor-sharp tion. A key driver for achieving high
In Mumbai, there is another well-re- focus on enabling their recruitment sustained GDP growth is enhanced
spected B-school with a similar sounding into the world’s best companies. investment in education. By priori-
name, S.P. Jain Institute of Management & tising education, we can unlock the
Research. Evidently, there is a history be- With real-time connected campuses in potential of our young population
hind the establishment of two B-schools Sydney, Dubai, Singapore, London and ensuring it is skilled, adaptable, and
bearing the S.P. Jain title... Mumbai, SPJSGM is presumably heavily ready to contribute to all sectors of
The name SP Jain is of my late dependent on latest ICT (information com- the economy.