Page 10 - EW January 2025
P. 10


         TRANSFORM CONSTITUTION INTO LIVE CHARTER                          stitution to protect dignity of individ-
                                                                           ual citizens, is failure of the country’s
                                                                           law, order and justice machinery. Bur-
              he constitution of india was pro-  inflicted upon the Constitution.  For   dened by the world’s heaviest judicial
              mulgated  as  the  governance   instance, the right to own and dispose   case load of 55 million pending cases,
         Tcharter of free, independent In-  property is no longer a fundamental   the justice machinery has failed un-
         dia on January 26, 1950.  However No-  right;  the  fundamental  right  to  do   der every metric. In terms of ratio of
         vember 28, the day on which the final   business  and  practice  and  carry  on   police to population, judges to popu-
         draft of the Constitution was approved   any  occupation,  trade  or  business   lation, number of courtrooms, prolix-
         by Parliament in 1949, is celebrated   has  been  substantially  vitiated  by   ity of process, contemporary India is
         countrywide as Constitution Day. In   licence-permit-quota raj. In general,   at the bottom of every global league
         the last session of Parliament, on its   while political freedom by way of sub-  table. Ways and means to revive the
         75th anniversary, the Constitution was   stantially free elections and freedom   law and order machinery and espe-
         the subject of an orderly debate in an   of speech is a constitutionally guaran-  cially  the  comatose  judicial  system,
         otherwise unruly Parliament. Unusu-  teed reality in post-independence In-  have  often  been  proposed  on  these
         ally, there was unanimous agreement   dia, people’s economic freedoms have   pages — greater budgetary allocation,
         in the House that the Constitution is a   been  eroded  by  discretionary  State   improving  judges-population  ratio,
         wonderful, near sacred document. Yet   controls and official corruption which   appointment  of  external  manage-
         the ruling BJP/NDA government and   has spread unchecked within govern-  ment consultancy firms to speed up
         the opposition I.N.D.I.A alliance led   ment. As a result while the Constitu-  the justice system, and establishment
         by the Congress traded charges as to   tion confers impressive fundamental   of a national legal aid fund.
         whether BJP or Congress has inflicted   and other rights upon citizens, it has   These are not rocket science solu-
         greater  damage  to  the  Constitution     conspicuously  failed  to  protect  the   tions. Oriental fatalism, middle-class
         which  since  promulgation  has  been   dignity of the overwhelming majority   inertia and lack of official and soci-
         amended 106 times.               of citizens who are obliged to suffer   etal  will  to  transform  the  Constitu-
           Undoubtedly,  during  the  past  75   pervasive poverty, insolence of office,   tion from an intellectually satisfying
         years considerable damage — in terms   the law’s delay and the proud man’s   document into a live charter that en-
         of thwarting the collective will of the   contumely.              hances the dignity of citizens, need to
         Constituent  Assembly  —  has  been   The root cause of failure of the Con-  be overcome.

         WEALTH TAX: ELIMINATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY                           sible that if an additional tax is im-
                                                                           posed  upon  the  upper-middle  class
                                                                           and the rich who are already heavily
               recent visit to india by thomas   ness Standard (December 14) Piketty   taxed at low income thresholds, it will
               Piketty, renowned professor of   said that a modest 2 percent wealth   accelerate  talent  and  capital  flight,
         A economics at the Paris School   tax on India’s 334 dollar billionaires   which  has  already  begun.  In  2023,
         of  Economics  who  has  acquired  a   would release a “lot of money “ for in-  an estimated 5,100 Indian dollar mil-
         global  reputation  for  his  ground-  vestment in public social infrastruc-  lionaires migrated abroad for various
         breaking research on wealth inequal-  ture (education and health).   reasons including continuous harass-
         ity in several countries, has reignited   The  majority  within  this  privi-  ment by the neta-babu brotherhood,
         the debate about high wealth dispar-  leged minority owes its income and   heavy official and unofficial taxation,
         ity in contemporary India. At issue is   wealth  to  heavily-subsidised  higher   and unease of doing business in India.
         whether priority should be given to   education  provided  by  successive   In the circumstances the best via
         reducing the income and wealth gap   Central and state governments which   media is for the Central government
         between the rich and poor. According   subsidized — and continue to do so   to mandate a 2 percent wealth (not
         to a famous statement made by Pik-  —  college  and  university  education   income)  tax  payable  by  all  rupee
         etty some time ago, the yawning gap   at the cost of public K-12 education.   billionaires  with  the  proviso  that
         between India’s wealthiest 10 percent   Therefore a 2 percent wealth tax on   they are free to make direct pay-ins
         and the remaining 90 percent is wider   accumulated wealth (property, stocks   to education and health projects of
         now than it was during British colonial   and shares, and other tangible assets,   their  choice.  This  would  eliminate
         rule.                            not income) for investment in public   the greatest opposition of HNIs (high
           Detailed research studies conduct-  schools, primary health centres and   net worth individuals) to additional
         ed by World Inequaliy Lab established   hospitals would be fair, just and equi-  taxes — payment  through the agency
         by Piketty at the Paris School of Eco-  table contends Piketty. As repeatedly   of government where there is every
         nomics indicate that 55-60 percent of   highlighted by EducationWorld, In-  possibility for wasteful establishment
         national  income  accrues  to    India’s   dia’s public (government) school sys-  and/or misdirected expenditure. Giv-
         wealthiest  10  percent.  Against  this   tem defined by crumbling buildings,   en in memoriam naming rights, and
         the share of the richest 10 percent in   lack of libraries, laboratories and lava-  bilateral  donor-donee  interaction,
         US national income is 40-45 percent,   tories and chronic teacher absentee-  there is high possibility of India’s rich
         China 40 percent and Europe 25-30   ism is in a pathetic state of disrepair   welcoming the opportunity to develop
         percent.                         and, needs substantial investment.    the country’s high-potential human
           In a detailed interview with Busi-  Nevertheless it’s also entirely pos-  resource.

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