Page 12 - EW January 2025
P. 12


                                            Also, their suggestion to con-  empower the teachers’ community.
                                          solidate 1.3 lakh ‘tiny’ schools with   With routine admin tasks taken care
                                          less than 20 students needs urgent   of by digital devices and AI, teachers
                                          consideration. Such consolidation   will have more time to self-learn and
                                          would result in huge savings in terms   nurture children.
                                          of new teacher salaries, which can                Mathew Phillip
                                          instead be used to improve infra-                    HYDERABAD
                                          structure facilities and invest in pro-
                                          fessional development programmes
                                          for teachers.                    Alarming trend
                                                             Nandini Iyer  YOUR SPECIAL Essay ‘Health edu-
                                                              BENGALURU    cation should be a separate school
                                                                           subject’ (EW December) makes a
                                                                           good case for the inclusion of health
                                          Extraordinary achiever           education in K-12 curriculums.
                                          DESPITE ALL odds, young achiever   Physical and mental well-being of
                 DECEMBER 2024            Sayani Das’ commitment (EW De-   children is the prerequisite of success
                                          cember) to excel internationally in   in academics and all other fields. In
                                          long-distance swimming is extraordi-  particular, mental health is a subject
         Preschool rankings praise        nary. Unlike cricket or badminton or   that India has pushed under the
         I AM A committed reader of Educa-  even chess, long-distance swimming   carpet for several decades. The rise
         tionWorld. Thanks for publishing the   is given little social encouragement   in the number of suicides, especially
         well-researched preschool rankings   or media coverage.           among students of premier higher ed
         survey of 19 cities (EW December).   I want to thank EW for beaming a   institutions, shows that children and
         The inclusion of Indore and Vadoda-  spotlight on the remarkable achieve-  youth are unable to cope with rising
         ra this year is most welcome. I hope   ments of this dedicated sportsper-  academic stress, parental and peer
         to see more cities included next year.  son. It’s tragic that Sayani has to   pressure. This is an alarming trend
           In most cities, I noticed several   fund her training and travel costs   we cannot ignore
         new preschools being ranked in the   through crowdfunding. I request the             Deeksha Jain
         league tables. This shows that after   state government of West Bengal                     DELHI
         being ignored for decades, demand   to step forward to fund her Ocean
         for early childhood education is   Seven global challenge.
         rising steadily. The rankings offer          Sumona Chakraborty   New emerging coalition
         valuable information to parents                        KOLKATA    THE NEWS despatch from West
         seeking admission of their children                               Bengal ‘Emerging reforms consen-
         into preschools which are evaluated                               sus’ (EW November) is interesting.
         on ten parameters of early childhood   Vote for blended learning   Just like the emergence of the Aam
         education excellence. Great work!  YOUR TEACHER-2-TEACHER essay   Aadmi Party from a movement
                                Dileep S.  ‘Blended learning to shape future-  against corruption and apathetic
                                 INDORE   ready children’ (EW December) was   governance, there’s a good chance
                                          insightful. Author A.K. Srikanth em-  of consolidation of a grand coalition
                                          phasises that to create independent   of students, professionals and the
         Eye-popping revelation           thinkers, comprehensive education   common man into a political party
         THE EXPERT Comment essay ‘K-12   that enables emotional, social and   dedicated to cleaning up corrupt
         teacher shortage myth’ (EW Decem-  intellectual development together   party-based politics in Bengal.
         ber) was a real eye-opener. Authors   with advanced technology-driven   The fact that anti-government
         Sandip Datta and Geeta Kingdon   teaching-learning is necessary.  protesters have stood strong for 71
         have done a great job of busting the   Although the traditional vs. con-  days and counting, reflects their
         myth of teacher shortages in govern-  temporary pedagogies debate rages   conviction to set things rolling in the
         ment schools. I agree with their   on, I am aligned with the author’s   right direction. Although it is sad
         contention that through efficient   views that a balanced approach is   that we needed the RG Kar murder
         deployment of students and teach-  needed to create opportunities for   case to awaken the system, there’s a
         ers, the RTE Act’s mandated 1:30   students to build essential life skills   good chance it will force some action.
         teacher-pupil ratio can be achieved   and prepare for the complexities of          Abhishek Dutta
         easily.                          the future. Blended learning will also                  MUMBAI

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