Page 26 - EW January 2025
P. 26
Education Notes
ODISHA Dindor and minister of Additional Superintendent prescribed number under
Higher materials state Praful Pansheriya, of Police. reservation and supernu-
According to ASP Lal-
allocations warning of intensified chandani, the 14-year-old merary categories, with
protests if their demands
the possibility of increas-
Bhubaneswar, december 2. are not met. wrote a suicide note before ing capacity based on in-
The state’s recently elected Pre-primary school pro- consuming the chemical. frastructure and academic
BJP government has moters’ demands include The incident took place on needs.
raised the allocation for clarity on Building-Use November 8 but the case
mid-day meals for children (BU) permission regula- was registered in Decem- MAHARASHTRA
in government primaries. tions. According to Rajesh ber after the boy recovered Admission racket
Addressing a press con- Parikh, Ahmedabad and recorded his state-
ference in Bhubaneswar, coordinator of the Gujarat ment. outed
Raghuram R. Iyer, Nodal Independent Preschools Subsequently, a case Mumbai, december 18.
Officer for the PM-Poshan Association, while the was registered against Three individuals includ-
(child nutrition) scheme education ministry allows the two teachers under ing two clerical staff of
said: “The materials al- BU submissions under provisions of the Juvenile KJ Somaiya College were
located for primary school various categories — com- Justice (Care and Protec- arrested by Mumbai police
students (classes I-V) have mercial, residential, and tion of Children) Act. for allegedly running
been raised from Rs.5.90 educational — municipal a cash-for-admissions
to Rs.7.64 per meal per corporations insist solely DELHI racket in three colleges
child, and Rs.8.82 to on educational BU approv- Hindu Studies Centre of Somaiya Vidyavihar
Rs.10.94 per meal per als. This inconsistency University.
student for upper primary has created “significant Delhi, december 26. Delhi The accused allegedly
schools (classes VI-VIII). challenges” for preschools University (DU) plans to forged marksheets and
These revised allocations operating in rented and introduce a Ph D pro- school leaving certificates
will come into effect from residential buildings. gramme in Hindu Studies to enable admission of
December 1.” Another objection of starting July 2025 on the unqualified students into
Under the PM-Poshan the association is munici- recommendation of the KJ Somaiya College of Arts
Scheme, the Odisha gover- pal corporations insistence governing body of the and Commerce, Shree SK
nment currently provides upon minimum 15-year Centre for Hindu Studies. Somaiyya Vinay Mandir
cooked meals to 4.45 mil- lease agreements with Earlier intended for the Secondary School and
lion children enrolled in stamp duty. “Around 80 current academic year, the Junior College and KJ So-
51,500 primary and upper percent of pre-primary initiative is now scheduled maiyya College of Science
primary schools statewide. schools operate in rented for the next academic year, and Commerce, an official
The scheme’s objective is properties. Securing long- according to a proposal by said.
to ensure that students term leases with higher the Standing Committee. “A case has been
receive a nutritious meal stamp duty is financially Addressing a press registered against five
to “fuel their learning,” and practically unrealistic conference, Prerna Mal- individuals including two
and encourage school at- for many preschool own- hotra, Joint Director of the staffers of the university,
tendance, added Iyer. ers,” says Parikh. Centre for Hindu Studies, who secured admissions
said: “The Ph D in Hindu for at least 50 students
GUJARAT MADHYA PRADESH Studies aims to create into class XI during the
Private preschools Harassment charge research opportunities for 2024-25 academic year by
students eager to explore
forging documents. Those
protest Gwalior, december 20. this field. Many students, 50 students were ineligible
Ahmedabad, december 5. Police have registered a especially those with for admission,” he said.
Over 40,000 private pre- case against two teachers JRF and NET qualifica- After the admission
primary schools across the of the Central govern- tions in Hindu Studies, racket came to light, Dr.
state shut down for a day ment promoted Kend- have shown interest. As a Sudha Vyas, Principal of
to protest the state govern- riya Vidyalaya #2 after a premier institution, DU is the KJ Somaiya College of
ment’s newly introduced class IX student report- committed to encouraging Arts and Commerce, filed
guidelines. School owners edly attempted suicide by research in diverse areas.” a police complaint against
and administrators pre- consuming phenyl after Initially, the pro- five accused persons.
sented their objections to being harassed by them, gramme will offer ten Paromita Sengupta with bureau
education minister Kuber said Krishna Lalchandani, seats, including the inputs