Page 28 - EW January 2025
P. 28
Education Briefs
FIS Guwahati campus faculty development workshops led over India. Applicant children are
by industry experts. These workshops assessed through an entrance exam
Mumbai, december 13. Finland Interna- will enable educators to deliver world- that focuses on scientific reasoning,
tional School (FIS), a pioneer of Finn- class, industry-aligned training. mathematics, and logic, rather than a
ish education in India, announced “Our collaboration with Shell and specific curriculum. Then selected stu-
the launch of a greenfield campus in Edunet Foundation marks a milestone dents based on their problem-solving
Guwahati. The announcement was in connecting Artificial Intelligence abilities are interviewed to identify the
made in Mumbai at an event pre- with Green skills, very important brightest minds — whom we define as
sided by Kimmo Lahdevirta, Ambas- for today’s generation for providing ‘geniuses’. And in the third year, the
sador of Finland to India, and Consul employability. By integrating indus- programme will offer selected genius-
General of Finland in Mumbai Erik af try expertise and hands-on training es access to people, opportunities and
Hallstrom. FIS is an initiative of Sha- with our curriculums, this program ideas that will propel them forward.
shank Goenka, Managing Director ensures that our students will be pre- The programme aims to shape tomor-
of Goenka Inc. pared to lead in the rapidly evolving row’s changemakers and leaders,”
“At FIS, our mission is to nurture tech-driven world,” said Bannchha says Mahika Shishodia, Head of
creativity, empower children with con- Nidhi Pani, Commissioner of Tech- Education, Lodha Foundation.
fidence, and equip them to excel in a nical Education, Government of Gu-
rapidly changing world. The launch of jarat and Gujarat Knowledge Society, LEAD presents Pinnacle
FIS, Guwahati signifies a bold leap in speaking on the occasion.
our journey to set new benchmarks for Mumbai, december 18. The Mumbai-
education across India,” said Goenka, Lodha Genius invitation based LEAD Group announced the
speaking on the occasion. launch of Pinnacle — a solution that
FIS Guwahati follows its Mumbai Mumbai, december 23. In partnership combines deeply researched curricu-
and Thane schools. with Ashoka University, Sonipat, the lum, pedagogy and content — for high-
Lodha Genius Programme, flagship fee schools across India whose num-
Skills4Future program education initiative of the recently ber the group estimates at 60,000.
endowed Lodha Foundation, invites
According to a LEAD media re-
New delhi, december 12. The Gujarat applications from the brightest class- lease, “Pinnacle combines deeply re-
Knowledge Society — an initiative es IX-XII students for its fully funded searched, NCF-aligned curriculum,
of the Commissionerate of Techni- multi-year educational programme. pedagogy and content, blended with
cal Education, Gujarat and Edunet The application window is open from AI and other advanced education
Foundation — launched their Skills- December 1, 2024 to January 15, technologies to enable a truly multi-
4Future Program. Supported by Shell 2025. modal, personalised and adaptive
India, the objective of this initiative is The Lodha Genius Programme is learning experience for students”.
to revolutionise technical education a multi-year initiative that includes Over the next three years, Pinnacle
in Gujarat by addressing critical skills an annual four-week campus expe- is projected to contribute 40 percent
gaps and equipping engineering stu- rience at Ashoka University, paired of LEAD Group’s total revenue. Paren-
dents with cutting-edge technologies with year-round continued learning. tal spend in the high-fee school seg-
expertise necessary for driving the It is designed to complement all major ment is projected to reach Rs.4.3 lakh
industry 4.0 revolution. The program school-leaving examination boards, crore by 2030 because of continuously
aims to train 10,000 students in pri- helping students deepen their studies rising demand for quality education.
mary skills and 2,500 students in ad- and explore career paths in chosen “Pinnacle’s deeply researched solu-
vanced technologies annually. fields. The programme offers a com- tions will meet this rising parental
Under this initiative, Digital and bination of immersive science and demand for propulsive education,”
Electric Vehicle (EV) Training Labs mathematics courses, practical life says the media statement.
will be established in select engineer- skills, continuous mentorship, and “This is a first in school education
ing colleges. Funded by Shell India’s exclusive internships. It also provides in India and marks a significant shift
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scholarship opportunities for select from traditional approaches that have
program, these labs will serve as cen- students to study in the US and/or at- primarily focused on books, stand-
tres for experiential learning, hosting tend prestigious international STEM alone software and smart classroom
hackathons, innovation contests, and events. content. We are building an educa-
advanced training sessions. “The focus of the programme is to tion brand that is made in India and
Simultaneously, the program fo- enhance the quality of education, es- is the best in the world,” says Sumeet
cuses on strengthening the overall pecially for gifted children, irrespec- Mehta, co-founder and CEO of the
learning ecosystem through in-person tive of income background, from all LEAD Group.