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         25TH ANNIV CALL FOR COMMON CAUSE                                  curriculums and ways and means to
                                                                           provide holistic education and skills
                                                                           training are being debated in numer-
              wenty-five years of uninterrupt-  vestment of Rs.25 lakh by Dr. Ramdas   ous  forums  countrywide.  Moreover,
              ed publication is a major mile-  Pai and Glenn Christo of MEMG (Ma-  the  annual  EducationWorld  India
         Tstone  for  any  news  and  views   nipal Education & Medical Group).   School Rankings (EWISR, estb.2007)
         publication. Therefore, a measure of   Curiously, none of the captains of   has  evolved  into  the  world’s  largest
         congratulations  to  EducationWorld   India Inc who had benefited might-  schools ranking survey and generated
         editors and marketing personnel who   ily from economic liberalisation and   widespread awareness about balanced,
         have laboured beyond call of duty to   deregulation consented to  purchase   comprehensive K-12 education. Like-
         keep this publication alive is justified.   equity in this enterprise. Dismayingly   wise, EW’s consistent advocacy of ear-
           When EW was launched on the eve   they  didn’t  understand  —  and  still   ly childhood and skills education has
         of the new millennium with the mis-  don’t — that if India’s huge human   ensured their inclusion in the National
         sion “to build the pressure of public   resource  is  properly  educated  and   Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
         opinion  to  make  education  the  #1   skilled, their enterprises will become   However,  there  is  no  room  for
         item on the national agenda”, the in-  more productive and profitable. It’s a   complacency. Contemporary India’s
         difference, and often hostility, that we   severe indictment of India Inc’s lead-  children and youth — 500 million are
         encountered from our target publics   ers  that  this  publication  was  saved   below 24 years of age — are severely
         — education policy formulators, aca-  from  bankruptcy  by  Los  Angeles-  neglected  and  under-educated.  On
         demics, teachers, parents and indus-  based angel investors Lowell and Mike   this occasion of our Silver Jubilee, we
         try — took us by surprise. Especially   Milken who purchased equity valued   invite  all  our  publics  —  politicians,
         since  your  editor  had  established   at  $250,000  in  this  venture.  Your   bureaucrats,  academics,  principals,
         a  good  reputation  in  society  as  the   publisher-editor  and  Indian  society   industry leaders, parents and students
         founder-editor  of  India’s  first-ever   owe a huge debt to them.   — to shed all prejudice and make com-
         business magazines which prepared   Because  since  then  over  the  past   mon cause with us to accord top prior-
         the ground and catalysed the historic   25 years EW has succeeded in mov-  ity to providing QEFA (quality educa-
         economic  liberalisation  reforms  of   ing education at least halfway up the   tion for all) in quick time. This is the
         1991. EW was kept afloat in the initial   national  development  agenda.  For   essential  pre-condition  of  national
         years by family support and early in-  the first time, syllabuses, pedagogies,   development.

         TIME TO REDRAW SETTLED BORDERS                                    cals industries are heavily dependent
                                                                           upon imports from China.
                                                                             In  the  circumstances  with  PRC
              he recent thaw in sino-india   most two centuries of British rule.   having emerged as a global hub of so-
              relations  following  a  bilateral   Foot-dragging on the issue of nego-  phisticated manufactures and inter-
         Tmeeting  between  Prime  Min-   tiating a settled border by the Nehru   mediates required by Indian industry,
         ister  Modi  and  China  President  Xi   administration  in  Delhi  resulted  in   military posturing and muscle flexing
         Jinping  on  the  sidelines  of  the  XVI   the 1962 limited (32 days) Sino-India   along our 4,000-km border is not in
         BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China   border war in which India was roundly   the  national  interest.  It’s  important
         and South Africa) summit held in Ka-  thrashed. China’s PLA could have an-  to acknowledge that Sino-India bor-
         zan (Russia) last month, is an overdue   nexed Assam and large areas of the   der boundaries were drawn by British
         and  welcome  development  that  au-  north-east but voluntarily withdrew   Empire officials with notorious repu-
         gurs well for both neighbour nations   north of Tawang. Since then, Sino-In-  tation for forcibly imposing arbitrary
         to  smoke  the  peace  pipe.  This  rap-  dia harmony and cultural exchanges   border lines all over the world. Post-
         prochement which comes four years   that had endured for millennia have   independence, India’s Congress party
         after the bloody clash in the Pangong   been in a shambles.       leadership made a major judgemental
         Valley  in  May  2020,  imposes  some   Paradoxically, trade ties between   error by insisting upon the sanctity of
         pressure on Beijing and New Delhi to   our  two  countries  have  remained   Sino-India  border  lines  unilaterally
         resume serious parleys at highest lev-  strong  and  are  growing  stronger.   drawn by British imperialists.
         els of government.               China  (PRC)  is  India’s  largest  for-  It’s pertinent to note that since 1949
            As has often been advanced on this   eign trade partner. Sino-India foreign   when  China  declared  itself  an  inde-
         page, a lasting and durable peace be-  trade  aggregated  $118.39  billion  in   pendent republic, PRC has negotiated
         tween the two world’s most populous   2023-24 with the trade balance heav-  mutually accepted boundaries with six
         neighbouring countries is a matter of   ily skewed in favour of PRC. Imports   countries, including Pakistan. There-
         highest priority, not only for our coun-  from China were valued at $101 bil-  fore,  this  is  an  opportune  moment
         tries, but also for a stable global order.   lion whereas our exports were valued   to  drop  the  talk-but-don’t-negotiate
         The issue of unsettled border lines in   at $16.65 billion. Despite curbs im-  border policy and enter into bona fide
         Aksai Chin in the north-west and Tibet   posed on direct Chinese investment   parleys with our neighbour nation and
         in the north-east has been hanging fire   in selective goods and services, Sino-  redraw our boundary lines in a genu-
         since China declared itself a commu-  Indian bilateral trade is booming. It’s   ine spirit of give and take, so that gov-
         nist republic in 1949, two years after   no secret that the electronics, telecom,   ernment focus is on national develop-
         India attained independence from al-  computer, pharmaceutical and chemi-  ment instead of arms and armament.

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