Page 12 - EW November 2024
P. 12


                                          ranked next year.                Modi International School.
                                                           Minnie Thomas                    Priyank Saxena
                                                              BENGALURU      Dayawati Modi Academy, MEERUT

                                          Important name change            Disheartening rank
                                          EARLIER THIS year, our school’s   ARMY PUBLIC School, Dhaula
                                          name was officially changed from   Kuan’s #3 rank under the Central
                                          L.A. Singhania Education Centre,   Government Day Schools category is
                                          Jhalawar to Lala Kamlapat Sing-  disheartening to say the least. We are
                                          hania Education Centre, Jhalawar.   the 70-year-old flagship school of the
                                          Please make this change in the rank-  Central government-sponsored Army
                                          ings league table published in the   Public Group of Schools and deserve
                                          September issue.                 to be ranked #1 under all parameters
                                            This correction is important as we   of government school education
                                          plan to share this recognition on our   excellence.
                  OCTOBER 2024            school’s social media platforms. Ad-  Our academic result for CBSE
                                          ditionally, with our annual day cel-  class X exam has been exceptionally
                                          ebration approaching, your prompt   good; our students have excelled
         Information gold mine            action on this matter will allow us   in many international/national
         CONGRATULATIONS TO team          to share this achievement with our   co-curricular and sports competi-
         EducationWorld for publishing yet   valued parents.               tions; APS DK has contributed
         another comprehensive school rank-         Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh  maximum number of officers to the
         ings edition (EW October) rating    Principal, Lala Kamlapat Singha-  defence services and boasts modern
         boarding, international, government,   nia Education Centre, JHALAWAR  infrastructure and facilities. May we
         budget private and special needs                                  request you to revisit your criteria in
         schools under critical parameters of                              evaluating our school.
         school education excellence. Indeed,   Revise classification!                      Meetu Rathore
         a globally unprecedented initiative!   THIS IS TO bring to your notice that             Principal
           Every year I look forward to your   Neev Academy, Bengaluru offers a     APS, Dhaula Kuan, DELHI
         rankings as they provide a gold mine   comprehensive IB curriculum from
         of information for parents to make   Early Years to Grade 12. For the past   EWISR 2024-25 is based on the
         informed school choices for their   two years, we have been featured un-  opinions of 8,700 parents, teachers,
         children.                        der the Co-ed Day Schools category   principals and counselors polled
                              S. Prakash  instead of International Day Schools   by AZ Research Partners across
                                  KOCHI   category. Please clarify how the cat-  14 parameters of school education
                                          egorisation process works.       excellence. Raise your school’s public
                                                            Neev Academy   profile! — Editor
         More philanthropy schools!                           BENGALURU
         I AM A teacher at an NGO-run in-
         formal school for students from un-  From next year (2025-26), Neev   Corrigenda
         derprivileged households. Recently   School will be categorised as an   • In Part II of EW India School Rank-
         I came across Part II of your EW   International Day School — Editor   ings 2024-25 (EW October, page
         India School Rankings 2024-25 (EW                                 159) the name of the Principal of
         October) in my dentist’s clinic.                                  Rashtriya Military School, Benga-
           I appreciate your efforts to rank   Significant name change     luru, ranked India’s #1 government
         Philanthropic schools across the   THANK YOU for the honour of rank-  boarding school, was inadvertently
         country. The Satya Bharti schools,   ing us the #1 school in Meerut and   published as Col. Rahul Aggarwal
         Christel House, Future Hope among   #21 in Uttar Pradesh. This recogni-  instead of Lt-Col K. Anup Nair.
         others are doing a commendable job.  tion holds special significance for us.   • In the Kanpur city league table (EW
           However, I am unimpressed by   However, we request a correction in   September, p.104), DPS Barra, Kan-
         the number of schools — a mere   our school’s name.               pur has been inadvertently published
         28 — your esteemed magazine has    The school is now known as     as DPS Burra Road.
         ranked in this category. I hope to see   Dayawati Modi Academy as reflected   We regret these errors which have
         see at least 100 philanthropy schools   in CBSE records, and not Dayawati   been corrected online — Editor

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