Page 107 - EW November 2024
P. 107

Liftetime Achievement in Education Leadership Award 2024-25

                                     Sindhu Mendke

                                                                               DR. SHAYAMA CHONA (2012)
                                                                               GULAB RAMCHANDANI (2012)
                                                                               DR. AUGUSTINE & GRACE PINTO
                                                                               SUMER SINGH (2013)
                                                                               DR. ACHYUTA SAMANTA(2013)
                                                                               SANJIT (BUNKER) ROY (2014)
                                                                               LT. GEN. (RETD) ARJUN RAY (2014)
                                                                               SHOMIE DAS (2014)
                                                                               DR. RAMDAS PAI (2015)
                                                                               DR. B.S. RAO (2015)
                                                                               M.V. MUTHURAMALINGAM (2015)
                                                                               CAPT. RAJ MOHINDRA (2016)
                                                                               DR. P.C. THOMAS (2016)
                                                                               DR. R. VARADARAJAN (2016)
               Sindhu Mendke receives award from EW's Dilip Thakore (left) & Summiya   JAYASHREE MOHTA (2017)
               Yasmeen (right)                                                 DR. JAGDISH GANDHI (2017)
                                                                               ARUN KAPUR (2017)
                                                                               DR. DEEPAK & DR. BHARTI MAD-
                                                                               HOK (2017)

               edicated educator and champion of underprivileged   pandemic shutdown.  A year later, Tirthanjali Academy
               citizens for over four decades, Indore-based Sindhu   Play School also merged with NDPS.
         DMendke is incumbent chairperson of the Tirthanjali   Under Ms Mendke’s dynamic leadership, NDPS has
         Educational Society (estb.1978) which manages the co-  transformed into a premier institution equipped with ad-
         educational CBSE-affiliated K-12 New Digambar Public   vanced state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and arts and
         School, Indore (NDPS, estb.1995). Currently, NDPS has   sports facilities. Although her futuristic vision and inno-
         2,387 children mentored by 200 teachers on its muster   vations in K-12 education were criticised by conventional
         rolls.                                           educators, her firm self-belief and determination enabled
            A postgrad in political science and education of Vikram   her to introduce progressive innovations such as abolition
         University, Ujjain and Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, In-  of school-bags, and no-homework for primary school chil-
         dore, Ms Mendke began her teaching career in 1967 with   dren. Moreover, she integrated yoga, arts, and sports into
         the  Saraswati  Mahila  Shikshan  Sansthan  followed  by   the primary school curriculum long before such practices
         teaching stints at Sevika Vidyalaya and the Rural Institute   became pervasive. In addition, Ms. Mendke’s introduction
         of Kasturbagram where she served as a lecturer for three   of easy learning systems for preschoolers led to the publi-
         years until her marriage.                        cation of Kids’ Wonderland, an educational book series for
            In 1978, Ms Mendke promoted The Digambar School   youngest children. Currently, this octogenarian education
         which started with a first batch of five students in a rented   pioneer is working on publishing original musicals, theatre
         house. As Founder-Principal and Director of the school,   dramas, poems and songs for children.
         she embraced the challenge of establishing an English-  Ms Mendke’s commitment to education extends beyond
         medium school despite her Hindi-medium background.   the promotion and establishment of NDPS. Since 1989,
         By focusing on foundational literacy and numeracy and   she has been providing free-of-charge education to meri-
         spiritual education of children, she proved that with deep   torious underprivileged children. Other socially beneficial
         understanding  of  children’s  education,  transformative   initiatives  include  initiating  cleanliness  drives,  e-waste
         changes are possible.                            recycling, and relief support during national calamities in
            In 1990, Ms Mendke promoted the Tirthanjali Acad-  selected rural habitations. These initiatives have signifi-
         emy Playschool using proven early childhood pedagogies   cantly contributed to developing a sense of community and
         to make learning enjoyable for youngest children. She in-  civic duty within NDPS students.
         tegrated established pedagogies into the curriculum and   For her extraordinary contribution to the growth and
         trained teachers to innovate supportive learning material.  development of early childhood and primary-secondary
            In 1995, The Digambar School was expanded to trans-  education, the Board of Directors of EducationWorld are
         form into the New Digambar Public School. After serving as   pleased to present Ms Sindhu Mendke the EW Lifetime
         a feeder institution for NDPS for five years, the Digambar   Achievement in Education Leadership Award 2024 and
         School was finally shut down in 2020 during the Covid-19   induct her into the EW Hall of Fame of Indian education.

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