Page 108 - EW November 2024
P. 108

Pictorial Essay

           Extarordinary Achievement in Education Leadership Award 2024-25

                      Brijmohan Chiripal

                                                                              BEGUM ANEES KHAN (2018)
                                                                              PRAMOD SHARMA (2018)
                                                                              RATNA REDDY (2018)
                                                                              AMARJYOTI GOHIL (2018)
                                                                              DR. NISSAR AHMED (2019)
                                                                              DR. SAROJ SUMAN GULATI (2019)
                                                                              PAUL MACHADO (2019)
                                                                              DR. GUNMEET BINDRA (2019)
                                                                              SANJEEV BOLIA (2019)
                                                                              G.S. MADHAV RAO (2021)
                                                                              DR. ASHOK PANDEY (2021)
                                                                              SHISHIR JAIPURIA (2022)
                                                                              DR. GITA KARAN (2022)
                                                                              KIRAN PATEL (2022)
                                                                              DR. BIJAYA K. SAHOO (2022)
                                                                              DR. LARRY ARNN (2023)
             Brijmohan Chiripal receives awards from actors Charu Sharma & Rakesh Kumar
                                                                              DAMODAR PRASAD GOYAL (2023)
                                                                              MEENA S. DIVATIA (2023)
                                                                              DR. ARUP MUKHOPADHYAY (2023)

               chemical engineering graduate of Gujarat Univer-  primary-secondary and business management education to
               sity, Brijmohan Chiripal started his career in 1972   18,526 children and youth across the country.
         A as an entrepreneur in the textiles processing indus-  Among them: 250 Shanti Junior preschools in 13 states
         try by promoting a small-scale unit with a workforce of   countrywide with an aggregate enrolment of 13,500 young-
         200 employees.  Since then, Brijmohan and his three elder   est children mentored by 2,000 teachers;  five Shanti Asi-
         brothers have nurtured and developed the Chiripal Group   atic Schools affiliated with the CBSE exam board  with an
         of 17 companies into a widely diversified conglomerate en-  aggregate enrolment of 9,401 students mentored by 530
         gaged in the polyfilms, petrochemicals, infrastructure, ed-  teachers; School Shack, a  corporate and school uniforms
         ucation and solar renewable businesses.  Currently, the an-  manufacturing company; Keystone Global, an education
         nual revenue of the Chiripal Group is over Rs.10,000 crore   consultancy  and  counselling  firm  that  advises  school-
         with the number of employees having risen to 20,000.   leaving  students  about  higher  education  options  and
            Yet even as he was planning and developing his nu-  opportunities in India and abroad and Shanti Business
         merous business ventures, Mr. Chiripal made the time to   School, Ahmedabad (estb. 2010) which has 625 undergrad
         promote several education ventures under an umbrella   and postgrad students and 33 faculty on its muster rolls.
         company named Shanti Educational Initiatives Ltd (SEIL,   Moreover in 2021, Chiripal promoted Catalyzer Learning
         estb. 2008). “Right from young age, it was my intention to   Pvt. Ltd, a company that promotes best-selling American
         contribute to education and human resource development.     management guru and author Stephen Covey’s (7 Habits
         Education has a profound impact on society, and estab-  of Successful People) Leader-in me programme to 18,000
         lishing high quality foundational education institutions in   students in Gujarat and Rajasthan.
         particular, is the best way to contribute to the prosperity   “I believe it’s of paramount importance that there is
         of future generations. By establishing durable education   proper alignment between education institutions and in-
         institutions, we can leave a lasting legacy more valuable   dustry requirements.  That’s why right from kindergarten
         than business enterprises, to address critical societal needs   to postgrad in SEIL our focus is on preparing and equipping
         such as literacy, innovation and  skills development,” says   our students with the modern learning and skills required
         Chiripal.                                        by industry and employers. This is the best way to address
            Since then under Chiripal’s guidance and nurturance,   India’s growing unemployment problem,” says Chiripal.
         Shanti Educational Initiatives has developed into an edu-  For his sustained commitment to critically important
         cation powerhouse which has made – and continues to   early childhood education and for expanding his mission-
         make  –  a  significant  contribution  to  provision  of  high   ary zeal to primary-secondary and higher education, the
         quality education to K-12 and higher education in Western   Editors  and  Board  of  Directors  of  EducationWorld  are
         India and the state of Gujarat (pop. 65 million) in particu-  pleased  to  confer  the  EW  Extraordinary  Leadership  in
         lar. Over the two decades past, SEIL has promoted several   Education Award 2024 upon Mr. Brijmohan Chiripal and
         enterprises that are providing high quality early childhood,   induct him into the EW EducationWorld Hall of Fame.

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